“I’m sorry, Marci. You suffered, you are right. But you didn’t do it with the Famiglia in mind, you didn’t suffer for the cause. You were collateral damage. And if you’d known any secrets of value, you would have revealed them the second they threatened to cut off your ear.” Seeing my expression, he added, “Which is understandable. You are a woman with a different level of resilience to pain.”

“Come on, Giovanni,” Amo drawled, coming down the steps. “Last time you had to do practice fights, you almost bawled because someone twisted your fucking wrist. Marcella is tough as nails. If our father expected her to suffer pain for the cause, she’d do it again and she wouldn’t break, because she’s a Vitiello. And taking a tattoo doesn’t make you more loyal. Marcella lives and breathes for our family, and our family is the Famiglia.”

I could have hugged him right then. I could deal with Giovanni by myself, but Amo’s support and the casual way in which he confirmed that I had indeed suffered for the cause had a different kind of weight in Giovanni’s eyes. My brother’s and father’s word would probably always weigh more heavily than mine, but I’d make sure that my words were at least heard.

Amo stopped beside me, giving Giovanni a slightly unsettling smile. “Is there anything else you want?”

“I think Giovanni wants to leave now,” I said.

Giovanni took a step back, then another. He nodded. “I’m sorry you feel the way you do, Marcella. I hope this won’t shine a bad light on you and your family.”

“Goodbye,” Amo muttered, and Giovanni finally turned and rushed outside.

I let out a suppressed scream, balling my hands into fists. “I want to hit something really bad.”

“You can pummel my boxing sack to the ground if you want. I was heading down to the gym anyway.”

“All right,” I said. “I have no better place to be anyway.” Going outside or meeting with friends was still out of the question.

The door opened and Dad stepped into the foyer with Valerio by his side. Dad’s gaze immediately zoomed in on me. He must have run across Giovanni or at the very least seen his car. Though the bodyguards probably had informed him about our houseguest the very second he’d arrived anyway.

“Is everything all right?” Dad asked, looking from me to Amo.

“We were heading down to the gym so I could beat up Amo’s boxing sack.”

Concern filled Dad’s gray eyes. “What happened with Giovanni?”

“He’s a douche,” Valerio commented. “I never liked him and I’m glad Marci dumped him. She needs someone cooler at her side.”

“Thanks for the dating advice,” I said with a laugh. “Next time I’ll run my boyfriend by you first.”

“Amo?” Dad asked, a hint of impatience in his voice.

“Nothing happened,” I said firmly. “He wanted a second chance and I said no. Then he informed me that I shouldn’t join the Famiglia because I would never suffer pain for the cause like men do.” I shrugged. “No big deal.”

Anger twisted Dad’s face.

Valerio strolled over to me. “Some of my friends said the same, but I kicked their asses and told them you were really tough, now they believe me.”

I ruffled his blond mane. “I’m the luckiest girl in the world to have such loyal and brutal brothers.”

“I’ll handle Giovanni and the other men who badmouth you.”

“I’ll prove myself to them, Dad.”

Dad nodded distractedly, probably already making a list of people he’d punish. It wouldn’t make them respect me more.

“Can I talk to you after my workout?” I asked.

“I’m in the office, just come by.”

“Can I come with you?” Valerio asked when Amo and I headed into the basement.

“Sure, but we want to work out, so you should put on gym clothes,” I said.

“Be right back!” Valerio called, already whirling around and dashing upstairs.

“He’s like a squirrel on steroids. Where does he get all his energy from?” Amo muttered.

I grinned and followed Amo down to his gym.

Amo showed me how to hit the boxing sack, making it look effortless, and soon my knuckles burned. Valerio dashed inside, all lanky limbs and tousled hair. We soon all laughed as we took turns kicking and boxing the sack. Even Amo took his workout only semi-seriously for once.

When I headed back upstairs a little while later and headed for Dad’s office, I felt the happiest I had in a while. Today had shown me once again that I could survive anything as long as I had my family.

After a knock, I entered Dad’s office. He gave me a strained smile. “What do you want to talk about, princess?”

“I want to hear your honest opinion on how I can earn the respect of your soldiers and really become part of the Famiglia. Half-assing it won’t work, I realize that now.”

“They won’t see you as part of the Famiglia as long as we don’t officially make you part of the Famiglia.”