To my surprise, Luca and I didn’t try to kill each other once during our trip to Vegas. We actually found topics to talk about, mainly fight tactics. And I realized that the mob families in other territories were even more messed up than the Famiglia.

When Luca and I returned from our one-day trip, both Aria and Marcella were already waiting in the foyer of the Vitiello mansion.

“And?” Marcella whispered as she hugged me.

“We’re both alive and unscathed, that should answer your question.”

Marcella rolled her eyes. “But did you get along?”

“Let’s put it this way. We dislike each other a little less than before.”

“I guess that’s the best I could hope for.”

“Snow White, you’re trying to move two very stubborn mountains but it takes time.”

“I can be terribly impatient.”

“I would have never guessed.”

Marcella touched my heart. “And are you still ready to say yes?”

“Oh yes.”

When I’d imagined my wedding day in the past, every little detail had been planned to perfection, everything steered toward one goal: maximum effect. I’d always felt the pressure of being the Capo’s daughter, bound by countless rules and weighed down by even more expectations. I hadn’t been scared to fail because I wouldn’t have allowed that option. I would have worked my ass off to make sure failure was impossible.

I still didn’t fear failure, even though now the possibility of actually failing in the eyes of society was likely. I had already failed in so many eyes, had broken eternal rules and failed expectations by following my heart, by daring to ask for a place in a world that was as much my own as it was Amo’s, Valerio’s or any man’s. I’d bled like men did, had endured torture and pain. All for the Famiglia, my Capo—that he was my father first hardly mattered.

In the past, I hadn’t taken love into account because love was difficult to come by in our world, especially one as boundless and powerful as my parents’ love for each other. I had been certain I could never have something similar and chosen not to risk trying. I’d settled for a bond of convenience, of mild affection. I had been scared back then. But since Maddox, I had found my bravery.

A knock sounded. Smiling, I called, “Come in!”

Dad stepped inside but froze the moment his eyes landed on me in my wedding gown. Dad looked at me as if he had never seen me before.

“Maddox doesn’t deserve you,” he murmured. Before I could get angry, he continued, “No one does, Princess. But you think he’s deserving, you chose him, and so I have to accept it.”

“That’s true,” I agreed. “It’s my choice, and I don’t have doubt in my body that it’s the right choice. I’m happy Dad, and I know Maddox will do everything he can to make me happy in the future as well.”

“He better do,” Dad growled.

I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help but smile.

“I’ll always want to protect you, Marcella. Even after you’re married, even when you’re a parent yourself, even when I’m old and gray.”

“You are old and there are a few gray streaks in your hair,” I teased. Dad didn’t look old at all, but he deserved the jab for his overprotectiveness.

“Not too old to kick your husband’s ass.”

“I don’t want you to fight with Maddox to prove a point, all right?”

Maddox and Dad were both stubborn and loved to fight, but I wanted them to focus their brutality on others and not each other.

Dad took my hand and kissed my palm. “We should head out now.”

“Okay,” I said softly.

Dad never took his hand from my back as he led me through the endless corridors of the hotel. Outside several cars waited on us. Dad had issued the highest security protocol for today, but I didn’t want to think about the dangers. Nothing and no one would ruin today.

Dad and I slipped into the back seat of an armored limousine.

“Were you nervous on your wedding day?” I asked quietly as we set off toward the church.

Dad considered that. “If I’d known then what I know today, that I’d love your mother beyond measure, I would have been nervous. Nervous about ruining everything, but I hardly knew your mother and didn’t care about her the way I do now, not even close. She was a means to an end.”

“I can’t imagine you and Mom not loving each other.”

Dad chuckled, and as usual, his eyes softened. “Neither can I.”

“I think it’s sad that you and Mom never celebrated your love like Maddox and I do today. You should consider renewing your vows.”

Dad frowned then he shook his head. “Today is your day, princess. Today you choose love against all odds. That’s what you should think about.”

As if on cue, we pulled up in front of the church.