“What brings you here?” he asked neutrally. He and I had mastered being civil to each other.

“I need to talk to you. It’s about Marcella.”

At once, his expression became alert and wary. “What about her?”

I reached inside the pocket of my leather jacket, noting the subtle tensing of Luca’s body. Yeah, trust would take time if we ever reached that level at all. I opened my palm, where my grandmother’s engagement ring rested.

During my last visit to my mother, four weeks ago, which had been only the second time I saw her since she sent me to find Gray, she’d given it to me. I remembered mother’s words about how her relationship with neither my father nor my uncle had been true enough for her to want to use the ring. Not that either of them had ever asked her for her hand. She’d always only been their old lady. She’d given it to me because she could see that Marcella was more. I’d been shocked back then because I hadn’t been ready to admit that I wanted to marry Marcella.

His gaze flicked down to the ring and surprise flashed in his eyes before he hid it.

“I want to marry your daughter and I know how much your approval would mean to Marcella. That’s why I’m here to ask for her hand in marriage.”

Luca stared at me as if he saw me for the first time. “Does she know you’re here?”

“That would defy the purpose, right? From what I understand your traditions, I have to ask you first before I ask Marcella. I don’t think she expects me to pop the question any time soon.”

“But you’re sure she’ll say yes?”

Was I sure? Fuck, no. With a woman like Marcella, no man should be too sure of himself, but I hoped she’d say yes. We’d braved so many negative influences these last few months and it had brought us only closer.

“Do you think she’ll say yes?” I shot his question back.

Luca nodded. “I think she’ll do.”

His words caught me by surprise. “So what do you say? Will you give me her hand in marriage?”

To be honest, even if he said no, I’d ask Marcella to marry me. He’d just have to get used to the idea like he had to get used to us being together. I wanted to be with Marcella and nothing and no one would stop me.

“Would it change anything if I said no?” he asked.

Fuck, sometimes he really freaked me out with his ability to see through me.

“No,” I said truthfully.

“Good. Marcella deserves a man who’ll fight against all odds to be with her. You have my blessing.”

I nodded and shoved my ring back into my pocket. I’d expected more resistance and was now faced with my nerves over how to pop the question to Marcella.

“I’ll ask her today,” I said, following an impulse.

The hint of a wry smile teased Luca’s mouth. “I won’t change my mind, no need to rush.”

“Better safe than sorry.”

“Marcella’s probably going to be annoyed that you asked me first.”

“It’s what she would have wanted.”

“Yes, but she also wants to be an independent woman who decides for herself.”

“She can’t have both,” I muttered.

“She’s a woman. She’ll want both, setting you like every other man up for failure.”

I chuckled. “You sound like you have experience with this.”

“I’m married.” He chuckled briefly and I fell in. It was a strange bonding moment that quickly had us both uncomfortable, so I left.

Marcella and I had a date in the afternoon to pick up Santana for a walk. Her training had progressed enough so she could move into a real home and I’d asked Growl to give her to me. Marcella didn’t know it yet, and I’d planned to tell her today, and I still would but afterward I’d ask her for her hand.

Santana wagged her tail wildly when I headed for her cage. Marcella wasn’t there yet, which was a good thing so I could get a grip on my nerves. I wasn’t sure why I was even nervous.

The black limousine pulled up and Marcella got out in her usual shelter attire of jeans and a simple sweater. Maybe it would have been more traditional to ask her in a fancy restaurant, dressed up, but it would have felt wrong. Marcella and I could only ever really be ourselves when we were out of the public eye.

She kissed me in greeting and was about to pull back to greet Santana but I held her against me a moment longer. She peered up at me and slowly her brows puckered. “Is anything the matter?”

I shook my head. “I asked Growl if I could adopt Santana and he gave me the okay.”

Marcella’s face lit up. “Really?” She squatted down and scratched Santana’s ears the way she liked it. “You’ll get your forever home.”