“Five minutes,” he said with a scathing look at Maddox. He led me inside while Matteo and the bouncers remained outside with Maddox.

My belly was flipping from anxiety. If Dad had really tried to have Maddox killed, I wasn’t sure what I’d do. This was worse than leaking information about Earl and that had been bad enough. If Dad had ordered his soldiers to pull the trigger, the blood was on his hands.

I felt sick just thinking about it. I loved my family and I didn’t want to destroy it, but I also loved Maddox…

The moment Dad and I entered his office, I could feel the entire load of worries crash down on me in one all-consuming tidal wave.

“Swear that it wasn’t you!” I screamed, completely losing it. If Dad had ordered his soldiers to kill Maddox and make it look like an accident, then I wasn’t sure I could forgive him. Even if he did it to protect me. There was a limit to what I could accept.

“Watch your tone,” Dad said firmly, crossing the room to his desk.

My eyes widened in fury. “I won’t be quiet, not when you might have tried to kill the man I love.”

Dad sank down on his desk chair, looking exhausted and angry. I didn’t care if my tone pissed him off. Not after what I’d just found out.

Dad regarded me quietly for almost a minute. “Love?”

I couldn’t believe he was trying to discuss my emotional state in a moment like this.

“Dad,” I said firmly.

He sighed, looking down at his wedding ring. I’d never seen him without it. “I wasn’t in on it.”

I gave him a doubtful look. “Your soldiers respect and fear you. They follow your orders because they fear the consequences, and you really want me to believe you didn’t know anything?”

“What I know is that some of my soldiers aren’t happy with my choice to let Maddox White live, and even less to let him dishonor my daughter.”

“Dishonor,” I repeated in a shaky voice.

“Their words, not mine.”

“But it’s what you think as well.”

“I want you to be happy Marcella.”

“And Maddox is the one who makes me happy!”

“I know.”

I hesitated. “If you know, then why did you try to kill him?”

Dad sighed and got up before he rounded the desk and gripped my shoulders. “I didn’t.” He pressed my palm on his heart then covered it with his hand. “I swear on my honor and my life that I didn’t know of their plan to kill Maddox.”

“Swear it on Mom’s life,” I demanded.

A smile flitted across Dad’s face. “You’ll make a great addition to the Famiglia.”

“Dad,” I warned, not wanting to be distracted with compliments, no matter how flattering. Nothing in this world meant more to Dad than Mom. His love for her was infinite.

“I swear it on your mother’s life. I didn’t know anything about the attempted killing, nor would I have approved of it. If anyone kills Maddox White, it’s going to be me.”

“That’s not funny,” I muttered.

“I was dead serious.”

I shook my head. “What about Amo or Matteo?”

“Matteo wouldn’t go behind my back. And Amo has come to terms with Maddox. I think they get along.”

They did, at least better than in the beginning, but Dad and Amo going behind my back before, still stung. I shook my head, feeling overwhelmed by despair. I didn’t want to distrust my family. Tears stung in my eyes. Dad touched my cheek. “Princess, what is it?”

I peered up at him. “I want our family to stick together. I want to be able to trust you and Amo and Matteo, I don’t want to have to be afraid for Maddox’s life when he’s with you, I don’t want to be caught between two fronts.”

Dad kissed my forehead. “You won’t be, Marci. I’m slowly coming to terms with you and Maddox, but it’s not easy. It’s never easy for a father to see his daughter with a man but for someone like me seeing you with someone who was my enemy, that’s a major challenge, but I’m willing to tackle it for you and your mother.”


“She wants me to make peace with Maddox.”

I wished Mom were here right now so I could hug her. “I’d really appreciate it if you’d talk to Maddox.”

Dad nodded.

“Do you think there are more of your soldiers who want to kill Maddox?”

“I have no doubt. The feud between us has been going on too long. It’s ingrained in their brains, but now that I know about the immediate danger I’ll put an end to it, don’t worry.”

“Luca didn’t order anyone to kill you, White,” Matteo said.

“I have two loyal soldiers tied up in the back of the van who tried to kill me so excuse me when I don’t take your word for it.”

“You’ll have to take Luca and my word for it. We’re almost family after all.”