I stepped into the brightly lit entrance hall of the mansion. Everything was modern and bright, a contrast to the old age of the building.

Gianna never took her eyes off me as I closed the door behind me.

I didn’t know much about interior design but even I could tell that only the best material and furniture had been chosen for the place.

Marcella hovered beside the redhead, glancing at her father who still stood guard beside me. I had a feeling he had no intention of leaving any time soon.

“Can Maddox and I get privacy?”

“I don’t want you alone with him, especially not here.”

“I can play nanny and keep watch,” the redhead suggested with a cheeky smile.

Luca scoffed. “I don’t see how that’s supposed to help.”

“I can keep them from ripping their clothes off each other and getting it on your expensive leather couches.”

My eyebrows shot up. Did she really just say that?

Marcella’s cheeks turned red and fuck, the sight almost undid me. I’d never seen her this embarrassed. Talking sex in front of her old man was obviously a red flag.

“Dad,” she said firmly. “You have to trust me. Maddox isn’t a danger for me. Please let me have a word with him alone.”

Luca searched her face and nodded eventually. “Gianna will be in the same room. And if I hear anything suspicious, I’ll check on you.”

I had to stifle the impulse to roll my eyes.

All that mattered was that I finally got to spend some time with Marcella.

I could tell Maddox wasn’t feeling comfortable in our home, and I couldn’t really blame him. But I was so glad to have him near. I was feeling terrifyingly frail today, as if a touch of air could break me apart. Dad’s expression was warning but Maddox only briefly glanced his way before he turned to me. Seeing his worried face, I felt better. His concern for me was like balm on my worries. “Let’s go into the living room.”

Maddox followed me and Gianna trailed after us and closed the door to Dad’s tense face. He probably wouldn’t leave the foyer in case he needed to burst into the living room to save me.

Gianna let out a sigh, her eyes meeting mine. She rolled her eyes toward her purse. I mouthed ‘later’.

She nodded then she stalked toward Maddox and held out her hand. “I’m Gianna, Marcella’s aunt.”

Surprise crossed Maddox’s face before he shook Gianna’s hand. I couldn’t help but smile. This was a tiny step but I hoped Maddox could see that not everyone in my family was unwilling to give him a chance.

“I’m Maddox, pleasure to meet you,” he drawled, the hint of his Texas accent coming through.

“You got yourself a biker cowboy,” Gianna said with a laugh. Then she narrowed her eyes at him. “I hope you know what kind of catch you made.”

Maddox looked straight at me and a small smile spread on his face, revealing his scar that looked like a dimple. “I sure do.”

“Good, now I’ll sneak out into the garden so you can have a few moments to yourself,” Gianna said and gave me a wink before she slipped out through the door and sat down on a chair on the patio with her back to us.

“I like her,” Maddox said. “She seems less stuck-up than the rest of your clan.”

“Gianna is cool.” My voice sounded off. My longing for Maddox’s touch was almost physically painful, but I didn’t want to be the one to rush into his arms like a damsel in distress.

His brows pulled together in obvious concern, and he immediately went over to me. He cupped my cheek, his calloused palm rough and yet perfect against my skin. “You okay?” he asked quietly.

I stared at him, wanting to nod yes but unable to do it. Maddox stepped closer until his warmth seeped into me like a comforting blanket. “Fuck, Snow White. Say something.”

“I just…” I trailed off, my eyes aching in a familiar way.

“You just?”

He waited patiently for me to find the words, but for the first time in my life I felt at a loss about what to say, how to describe the sensations overwhelming me.

Eventually, I settled for the most apparent thing. “I feel ashamed.”

Maddox bridged the remaining inches between us, his chest touching mine, and I sagged against him, burying my nose in the crook of his neck and released a shuddering breath. God, how I had missed him. How was it possible to feel the loss of someone’s touch this strongly after knowing them only such a short amount of time?

“Why the fuck would you feel ashamed?” He lowered his voice. “Not because you slept with me, right?”

That was definitely what many people would want me to feel ashamed about. My eyes darted up, seeing the trepidation in his face. “No,” I whispered. “For the tattoo and the ear…”