I smiled. Of course, Aunt Gianna wasn’t following the rules.

I have an appointment at a tattoo studio tomorrow afternoon. Will you come with me as moral support?

The moment I typed the words, I felt relief. I was scared of getting inked again. Not because of the pain. I could withstand it, but I worried about the memories linked to it

Of course. Just tell me when and where, and I’ll be there.

Pick me up at three pm at home.

I considered adding a kiss smiley but this felt strange. Maddox and I weren’t really in a relationship yet. We hadn’t even discussed the parameter of our bond yet. So far there hadn’t been time.

Sweet Dreams. I miss you.

My heart rate picked up. Miss you too.

Everything about this felt strange, scarily normal.

I was too nervous about the tattoo appointment the next day to sleep, so I went over to Amo’s room. The door was open. I was still angry at Amo and Dad, but at the same time, I couldn’t resent them for wanting to protect me.

I leaned in the doorway and watched Amo. He was changing the bandages around his arm and waist. He’d suffered several cuts and a couple of broken ribs during the fight, but this was the least of my concerns. The Amo I saw before me was a different brother than I’d left weeks ago. His face appeared older, harder. He’d been my teenage brother, now he seemed grown up, like a real man. During his confrontation with Maddox today, it had struck me again.

He looked up. “You want me to come with you to the tattoo studio?”

“Maddox agreed to come. But you could come too.”

Amo shook his head. “I don’t need to see him every day.”

“Will you try to get along with him for me?”

“I didn’t try to kill him today.”

I rolled my eyes. “Thanks.”

“People are already talking. Several of your friends messaged me to ask if the rumors about you escaping captivity because of an affair with a biker were true. Even the ones I dumped messaged me, Marci. This is going to get only worse. People will tear into you now that they see a weakness.”

I looked away. I had ignored all messages from friends for that exact reason. Everyone only wanted to catch the newest tidbit of gossip. I’d only answered two messages from family like Sara or Isabella. When it came down to it, I could only trust family, not the people I called friends.

“You really must like him if you risk your reputation for him. Considering you worried about glassy scallops not too long ago.”

“I think I love him,” I whispered.

Amo grimaced. “You sure?”

“No.” I sighed and walked over to Amo to sit on his desk. “The last few weeks were too confusing. I need to get to know him. Today was the first time he and I texted, or talked to each other alone without either of us being a captive.” I shook my head. Saying it aloud made the absurdity of it sink in. “I wonder if Maddox and I can ever have a normal relationship considering everything.”

“I don’t want to burst your bubble, Marci, but nothing about our life is normal. Being a Vitiello and a normal life are at odds.”

I shook my head with a smile. “That’s not what I mean. I’m talking about the life I was used to.”

“Your version of a normal life probably isn’t White’s. If you really want things to work out, you and he have to figure out a new normal as a couple.”

My lips parted in shock. “Who are you and where’s my emotionally imbecile brother?”

“Just because I usually don’t bother doesn’t mean I don’t understand emotions.”

“You think Maddox and I can find a new normal?”

Amo gave me a look that made it clear he wouldn’t answer the question. “I won’t ever fall in love. It makes fools of people.”

“Don’t you want what Mom and Dad have?”

Amo shrugged. “Even Dad made bad decisions because of his love for Mom. The thing with Tartarus wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t been madly in love with Mom. I can’t see myself ever feeling something that strong for someone.”

“I never thought I could. I never did with Giovanni, but I think it could be like that with Maddox.”

“He betrayed his club and killed his uncle for you. That’s a good start for foolish love.”

I laughed. “Yeah.”

“I still don’t like him, so don’t expect any more relationship advice from me.”

“Can I—?” I asked, nodding at the bed. I still hadn’t managed to catch any sleep in my bedroom. The only times I got some sleep was in Amo’s room.

“Sure. I can’t sleep any time soon anyway.”

I glanced back down on my phone before I closed my eyes.

I followed Growl’s pickup on my bike to an apartment complex about two blocks from the Sphere. It wasn’t one of the luxury skyscrapers but it was much posher than anywhere I’d ever lived before. When Growl and I passed the lobby, the receptionist scanned me from head to toe, unable to hide her shock. I looked a mess, there was no question about it. The last few days had taken their toll on my body and my clothes had definitely seen better days. I tipped my imaginary hat in greeting and she quickly looked away and pretended to be busy with something on her computer.