The distance between us was driving me insane. I just wanted to pull her close and bury my nose in her throat.

“I know it wasn’t you, and I trust you.”

“Not enough obviously.” She looked away, back toward the kennels, her plump lips pressed together and dark brows pulled tight.

I gritted my teeth. She had a point. But she didn’t really trust me yet either. “We haven’t known each other for long yet, and most of the time we were enemies.”

It was strange how much I’d risked for this woman that I hardly knew, and yet I knew deep down that I’d do it again.

Marcella’s gaze could have frozen hell. She was seriously pissed. Though, I wasn’t sure if she was only pissed at me. “Who was it? Who leaked the information about you?”

I sighed. This was a conversation I hadn’t been looking forward to. Marcella was absolutely loyal to her family and attacking her brother wouldn’t win me any bonus points but I wouldn’t lie to her. “Your brother.”

Her spine stiffened and she shook her head immediately. “Amo wouldn’t go against Dad’s orders and Dad forbid the information to be leaked. Your information must be wrong. Amo couldn’t have done it.”

I raised my eyebrows. It was the reaction I had expected. Her trust in her father was simply too great. “You sure? I’m certain he has plenty of reason to do it. And it’s not like he has to fear repercussions. Your father would never kill your brother for a transgression like he would his soldiers.”

“But why would he…” Marcella’s brows puckered in thought. I bet she found a hundred reasons why her brother and the rest of her family wanted my old biker buddies to know I killed Earl. They might as well have put a target on my forehead. We’d been enemies for years, were still enemies, and right now I feared we’d stay enemies for a while to come—no matter what Marcella wanted.

“I’ll talk to him,” she said resolutely.

I really wanted to settle things with Amo myself but I might end up putting a bullet in his head, so it was probably for the best if Marcella handled him. I didn’t want Amo fucking Vitiello to be the end of my relationship with Marcella. Growl had come closer during our conversation and his alert gaze told me he was ready to interfere if necessary. I gave him a wry smile, which he didn’t return of course. Smiling didn’t belong to his standard repertoire.

“Everyone thought you’d run off because you wanted your freedom,” Marcella said in a much softer voice.

“You too?”

Marcella didn’t react, only watched me closely. “Did that ever cross your mind?”

I stepped closer. Fuck. I really needed to touch her or I’d go crazy. “Even if it did, I’m here now, right? You’re in my head and heart, and I can’t be without you.”

Marcella shook her head. “If you think being with me means losing your freedom, it’s probably better that we don’t bother.”

Was she fucking serious? I grabbed her neck and jerked her against me, kissing her fiercely. For a moment she pressed herself against me, her lips softening against mine, parting, inviting me in, but then she shoved me away, glaring. “Do you want a goodbye fuck?”

“Bullshit, Marcella. I want you in my life, every day. I don’t need anything else. You really think a fuck would be worth getting that look?” I nodded toward Growl who watched me like a possible threat, making me feel really welcome in the Famiglia.

She still didn’t seem happy. If possible, she looked even angrier. “If we want a chance, you need to realize that being with me doesn’t mean you aren’t free. I don’t want to be your shackle. And you have to tell me everything. I won’t be lied to, not even by omission.”

“I didn’t fucking lie!” I growled.

Growl tensed. I gave him another wry smile at his twitchiness. As if I’d ever hurt Marcella. The only blood I’d spill would be his if he didn’t stop grating on my nerves.

She jabbed a finger against my chest. “You left without telling me anything.”

“I did. And I’m sorry for that, but it allowed me to settle things for good.”

Growl was talking on his phone. I didn’t need to be psychic to know it was Luca on the other end.

“With your brother?”

I nodded. “With him and a few of my biker brothers.”

Marcella tilted her head curiously. “Don’t they see you as their enemy?”

“They are wary of me, that’s for sure, but these are Nomads. They left the club life exactly because they didn’t like the way Earl handled things, so they didn’t shed too many tears over his death.”

Growl moved even closer. “I want a word with you.”

He motioned toward my truck. Marcella stepped back and I followed Growl.