“If your father can run him off, he’s not worth having,” Birdie says, and I know she’s right. “Come on.” She motions for me to follow her. I’m a bit surprised my father actually took a room. I wonder if that means he plans to stay for a bit. When I heard he was here, I was sure it was only to try to get me to come home with him.

I can hear the deep rumbles of both Sterling’s and my papa’s voices coming from the room before we reach it. I debated if I should knock or not but decided not to. If he can show up here, then I can show up in his room.

When I push the door open, both of them stop speaking and turn my way. No one looks angry, but they also don’t look relaxed either. I can’t get a good read from either one of them.



They both speak at the same time. My papa opens his arms, but Sterling steps forward and scoops me into his arms before I can try to move.

“You don’t leave without telling me where you're going. I’ve been worried all damn day, Princess.”

“I was with Cam.”

“I don’t care who you’re with. It’s my job to make sure you’re safe.” He sets me back down on my feet.

“That’s my job,” Papa says from behind him.

“Mine too,” he grumbles before he leans down and brushes his mouth against mine in a gentle kiss.

“Sterling, you can’t kiss me in front of my papa.” I push on his chest. Not that it does anything. He doesn’t even budge. The man is a brick wall, and damn is it sexy. All of this is. As much as I’m blushing at him kissing me in front of my papa, it says that he’s going to do what he wants when it comes to me.

“You’re my girl. I’ll kiss you whenever I like.” He tucks me into his side to face my papa with him.

“You didn’t tell me you were seeing someone,” Papa says. “I didn’t know we kept secrets.”

“Don’t guilt her.” Sterling cuts right in before I can try to respond. “You kept her locked up tight. She couldn’t keep a secret if she wanted.”

“Sterling.” I elbow him in his side.

“He’s right,” Papa agrees, shocking the heck out of me. “I’ve only ever loved two women in my life. I lost one. I couldn’t bear to lose you too, Piccola.”

“Papa.” I try to go and give him a hug, but Sterling doesn’t let me go. I elbow him again, and he finally releases me. “You’ve kept me locked away but I kind of understand why,” I say when I hug him. “It’s because I look so much like her.”

“No, Piccola. Nothing brings me more joy than to see your face.” Tears burn my eyes. “I made a grave mistake marrying Caroline. I didn’t want you to see our marriage. To think that is what a marriage should be.” He keeps surprising me with every word.

“But then you want to pick a husband for me?” I point out.

“Your mother and I were arranged.”

“I know but, Papa, do you really think you could pick a husband for me? How is that going?” I lift an eyebrow.

“Terrible. None of them deserve you.” A giggle pops from me.

“All dead men walking,” Sterling says from behind me. “Still have to kill that Edgar fucker later.”

My papa’s lip twitches, and I know he’s fighting a smile. It gives me a trace of hope that maybe he might like Sterling after all.

“About Edgar, he tells me there was a misunderstanding.”

“There was no misunderstanding. He’s a fucking dickweed who needs a good old-fashioned ass kicking,” Sterling growls. I hear a giggle come from the hallway, and I know Bridie is listening to all of this.

Part of me wants to tell Sterling to watch his mouth, but I don’t. This is who he is, and I don’t want to change a thing about him. This is the man I fell in love with.

“I think he came running when I cut Glorianna’s allowance off. They both are trying to tell me you lied and none of what you said was true. That you drank too much.” Papa shakes his head, not even asking me if that’s true.

“I don’t understand Glorianna. Why is she being this way? Why would she ever think I would do anything to hurt her?”

“You’re so much like your mother. You only see the good in people. It’s hard for you to understand that some people are just rotten inside. I may have sheltered you too much.”

“I think she’s perfect,” Sterling says.

“She is.” Papa agrees with him.

“Look at you two agreeing over me. So I guess that means I should stay.”

“You’re not going anywhere.” Sterling reaches out, snagging me around the wrist and pulling me into his side.