“Maybe I changed my mind. Maybe I don’t want to be a virgin anymore.”

I rip open my jeans, grab my junk, and pull it out. My cockhead is red and engorged and ready to pierce her cherry veil at the first sign of acceptance. Maria’s eyes grow huge, but she makes no move toward me. I shove myself back into the denim and zip halfway up—the erection making it impossible to fully close my jeans.

“I’m happy to plow you one hundred ways to Thursday. I don’t think there’s any question that I want you. I’m hard for you constantly, but I don’t wanna do shit you don’t want to do. If you’re uncertain about losing your V-card, then keep it. Just don’t use that as an excuse to say that I don’t want you.”

“How do I know you’re not like this with every girl?” She eyes me with suspicion.

“Did you see my dick getting hard for Heather? No. I wasn’t the least bit interested. And I won’t ever be interested in her. No offense to Heather as she’ll make someone very happy someday, but she’s not for me. You’re it for me.”

“We just met.”

I swallow back a frustrated sigh. “I don’t know what you want me to say, Maria. I haven’t had sex before because I wasn’t interested. I’m interested in you. I want you. That’s all I know. All you gotta do is let me kiss you, touch you, hold you. When you’re ready, we can take the next step.”

“But what about tomorrow?”

“I can’t think about tomorrow. Tomorrow is when you leave me to go back home to a dude that your daddy has found for you. Today, you’re here, in my bed. I’m focused on today.” I close the distance between us and take her hand in mine. “This is here for you today. Do you want to live with me in the moment or keep thinking about tomorrow?”



“I want to live in today,” I say, coming to my knees on top of the bed. “But I’m not leaving tomorrow.” I try to pull my hand from his, but he won’t let me. “I’m not trying to get away.” I laugh. He reluctantly releases his hold on me so I can put both of my hands on his broad chest.

Whenever Sterling is out of my sight, I convince myself I’ve dreamed up his massive size. That there is no way he could tower over me the way he does. But then when he’s back, I’m hit with the reality that he’s even bigger than I thought. I’m starting to see why I’ve never been sexually attracted to anyone before him. I’d never met a man built the way he is. Now I understand I most definitely have a type.

“Your dad could show up any moment, and you know it.”

“He could,” I admit. I suppose he might be right. I have no idea when I'll be going home. I was a bit surprised my papa hadn’t pushed for me to come home instantly but I think he could tell I needed some time after everything that went down with Glorianna.

“I don’t like it.” He grunts. “He shouldn’t have control over you.” His brows furrow together, and I think he might actually be pouting. Damn, he’s even hot when he’s doing that. How has this man never had sex before? I’m sure he’s a hot commodity around here. I mean, Heather wants him pretty damn badly. She all but threw herself at him earlier.

“That because you think I’m a grown woman or you want to be the one to have a bit of control over me?” I lick my lips, thinking about how he’d pinned my hips to the bed last night and took control. I loved every second of it.

“I’m trying not to throw up any red flags for you or whatever that shit is, but I don’t care for the idea of anyone else having control over you.” It may not be the most romantic thing anyone has ever said, but it works for me. I love that Sterling doesn’t mince words or try to be something he’s not.

“Red flags?” I smirk. I think we both have a bunch of those. “Would a red flag be that you’re a virgin? I find that a bit shocking.”

“If I wasn’t, would it change things?” Disappointment fills me, making me see how much I enjoyed the idea of him having never been with another girl. But truth be told, it wouldn’t change how I feel about him.

“No, not if you’re not still doing stuff with other girls.”

“Well, I’m a virgin and have no reason to lie about it.”

“Why? It’s not like you don’t have options.” I drop my butt back down on the bed. I don’t even want to know how many options he really has.