“So what about staying in my room?”

“I’m sheltered, not naïve.” I lift my chin to hide my bluff. I’d be dumb to think I’m not both. Plus, my nonna warned me of all the ways boys will try to get under a lady’s skirt. She prepared me the best she could.

“I won’t try any funny business. This is only a peace offering because of the way I’ve been acting.” I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I feel a pang of disappointment at his words. He had kind of poked at me being small.

My phone starts to ring from off the nightstand. “I have to get that.” I’ve been waiting for this call. I expect Sterling to step out of the bedroom, but instead, he drops down to sit on my bed. Knowing my papa is likely worried now that he’s put together I’m not where I’m supposed to be, I rush over and answer it.


“You’re in the States!” He booms through the phone. He’s not one to usually yell. Well, not at me anyways, but I’m not shocked. He’s worried. Sterling’s eyes narrow on my phone. I take a step back, getting a weird feeling he’s going to try to snatch it from me.

“Yes.” Again I lift my chin even if he can’t see me, hoping it helps with my confidence.

“Piccola.” He softens his tone. “Why?”

“I’m an adult. I can come and go as I please,” I remind him.

“Why?” he repeats. “Something has happened, and I want to know what it is. You would not run away and worry me this way without cause.” I pause for a long moment, knowing this is likely going to upset him, but in the end I give him the full truth. If I want him to treat me like an adult, then I must act like one and tell him the real reason. I can feel Sterling’s eyes on me the whole time I’m explaining what happened.

The line goes quiet for a long time when I’m finished. “Papa?”

“I’ll send a plane for you. Glorianna will be gone before you get home.”

“No. I’m staying for a bit,” I push.


“I wasn’t asking for your approval, Papa. I’m not trying to be disrespectful, but you can’t make me come back.”

“You don’t want to come home?” I’m not surprised that he would try to guilt me into coming home.

“Papa, please. I want to stay. I’m with Cam Parker-Hyde. She invited me out to the Justice Ranch to visit. It would be rude of me to up and leave.”

“You have responsibilities here,” he reminds me. I’m not sure if he’s speaking of my mama’s trust or me getting married.

“I know that, but I also have the right to go away if I choose to.”

“You’re being willful.”

“I think it’s time. I always agree to the things you ask, but this time I’m asking for this. Then I will return.” The line goes quiet again.

He knows I’m right. The man directs most of my life, and I’ve never really pushed back on that. Heck, he’s all but picked out a husband for me. Not something I’m going to bring up fully right now.

“Three days,” he finally says.

“Papa, I will call you back in three days, and we’ll go from there.”


“I love you,” I say to cut him off.

“I love you, too.”

“I know you do, so it won’t be three days until I call you next. I’ll call you each day, and you will see I’m fine.” He lets out a long sigh. This is going better than I thought it would.

“I do love you, my Piccola.”

“I know. Now I must get some rest.”

“Good night,” he says before I end the call.

“Oh my gosh, it worked!”

“Your stepsister is a bitch.”

“Sterling!” I gasp.

“She is. You can agree with me. I won’t tell anyone.” He gives me a charming smirk that I’m sure works on all the ladies. Me included. Why else would I utter these next words?

“I’ll stay with you.”



It was a dumb idea. I knew it before I issued the invitation. I knew it as I was leading her up the stairs carrying her pillow. I knew it when she was brushing her teeth in my bathroom. I knew it when she climbed under the covers. I pull the thin blanket around me tighter and pray she can’t see my massive erection in the dark because that monster is not going to make her feel safe tonight.

I can tell by the way she’s flip-flopping on the mattress like a fish on a dock that she’s not fully comfortable either. “Do you want me to leave?”

She stills immediately and stares at the ceiling. “No. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was keeping you awake.”

“You aren’t. I’m too keyed up to sleep. Must be all the hot peppers in the Szechuan sauce.”