“What do you mean?” I asked, not looking too much into her question.

“What if there was someone out to get you or some shit came up, like more drama. I mean, there is always a chance with this life and with Charlie still out there,” she said, her eyes appraising me. I shrugged my shoulders, still not worried about her inquisition.

“Charlie is not a threat to me, and even if he was, we would deal with it like we always do. I’m not some weak woman who can’t handle her own, but when I need someone I know Luke will be there. Not much scares me anymore, and if it ever comes to a war with Charlie, then I will fight just like I know Luke will. Life is too short to not fight for the things we love. If anyone tries to take my happiness from me then they are gonna have a helluva time getting it.”

“Good answer, baby. Good answer.” Brooklyn said, dropping the subject, and turning up the volume on the T.V. The conversation was over, and sleep was in my near future.

Chapter 19


My nap was fabulous and so was the ride home. I found out why Red stretched her arms out and moved with the bike to the tune of the music. It was relaxing and liberating. I felt free, and if I closed my eyes, it kind of resembled flying. It was mid-afternoon when we arrived back at the clubhouse to find Red, Regg, Marty, and Maddie playing pool. Luke informed them they were leaving at five, and the girls suggested we find something to get into ourselves. Luke didn’t like the idea, and suggested we found something to do around here if we were still planning to go out tomorrow night.

“Why?” Red whined, but changed her tune when Regg gave her a look that told her to shut up. “Okay,” she said in defeat, not bothering with anymore questions.

“I’m sure you three can find something to get into around here,” Regg said, enjoying his moment of authority. I fought hard to control my laughter, as Red stood behind him and rolled her eyes. Everyone else was at work or at home with their kids and back to their normal lives, while we were forced to stay inside the clubhouse, which was not built to entertain three, young women who were itching to go out.

“So what are the plans for tomorrow?” I asked Maddie, who sat perched on the pool table trying to ignore Marty as he pulled his t-shirt over his head revealing his abs before the one he wore under it was pulled back down to conceal them. She ignored me or didn’t hear me, but Red answered my question excitedly.

“It’s a surprise! And you are gonna fucking love it!” She said, clapping her hands and bouncing around like a child.

“She’s gonna love it or you’re gonna love it?” Regg asked, trying to steal Red’s glee, but she wasn’t having it.

“She’s gonna love it,” Red said, still grinning from ear to ear.

“Who all is going?” Luke asked, half-interested, as he thumbed through some papers that lay strewn on the bar.

“All the girls,” Red said, dancing over to Luke and eyeing what he was doing, then dancing away when he gestured with his hand for her to get lost. Wherever it was we were going, it made Red very happy. Almost too happy, and it showed on Regg’s face.

“Where they going?” Marty asked, looking at Regg’s perplexed face and smiling.

“Amateur night,” Regg said in a huff.

“Dammit baby! Hush!” Red commanded, her hands flying to her hips as she glared at Regg, who just shook his head. Amateur night? For what? Luke laughed, finally getting the joke and pointed at Regg from across the room.

“You’re gonna have to keep your shit together,” he warned with a smile. Everyone laughed, but me and Regg; me because I had no fucking idea what they were talking about, and Regg because he didn’t find it very funny.

“Well y’all ain’t going. It’s just the girls,” Red informed them, this time it was her who sent Luke a look of warning.

“Oh, I’m going,” Regg said, and the fight was on.

“The fuck you are! We are going to have a ladies night out. There are only women there Regg, so don’t go giving me that lecture and shit.” Red snapped, her face turning red with anger, and I felt like it had a lot more to do with something that wasn’t being said, rather than actually going out.

“I ain’t giving you no damn lecture. I’m just telling you that if you plan to get on a stage somewhere then I’m gonna be there to make sure nothing happens,” Regg said, but I could already tell some of the fight had gone out of him. Amateur night must have been at a club, and he knew Red would want to dance.