“Let’s get back,” I said, grabbing her hand in mine.

“Baby. Don’t be mad at me.” She whined, her voice laced with laughter and amusement.

“I’m not mad,” I said, acting like a stubborn kid. She was killing me. My balls were now non-existent.

“You’re better than me. I’m sure of it.” I stopped in my tracks, smirking at her lying face. She didn’t believe that in the least. I grabbed the gun from my back, changing out the clip with the spare I had in my pocket. I loaded it and eyed in on the target that was now about 40 yards from us. I fired ten perfect shots into the chest of our paper villain. She couldn’t see if the target had been hit from where we were, but I knew I hadn’t missed. I turned and started walking back toward the house. “Aren’t you gonna see if you hit it?” Dallas called from behind me.

“Nope,” I said as I kept walking. I knew she would stay behind and look. And when she did, she would know for sure who was better. I took the small hike back to Ronnie and Brooklyn’s house alone, with a smirk on my face, and a pair.


“Well I’ll be damned,” I muttered, looking at the paper that was now home to ten, perfectly delivered holes in the heart of it. What was it with men and their pride? Luke had gotten pissed that I knew how to shoot. I knew he was proud, but mad because he wasn’t the one to show me how to do it. Fucking caveman. I was surprised he didn’t carry around a big stick and grow his hair long. I found him in Ronnie’s shop, shirtless, and squatting beside one of the many bikes inside. I eyed the tribal tattoos on his arms as his muscles flexed while he tinkered with the motor. I pulled my eyes from him, refusing to get lost in the sight of his half nakedness and searched the room for a topic of conversation. “Is this a Harley?” I asked, eyeing one that sat low with a huge tire on the back. It was painted black, with chromed-out Ape Hanger handle bars, and looked beautiful and manly at the same time.

“Yes, babe. It’s a Harley,” Luke informed me, acting as if the answer was obvious.

“I wish I knew something about bikes just to piss you off,” I mumbled to myself, but Luke was closer than I thought and heard my every word. He had deserted the bike he was working on and was now at my side.

“Have a seat,” Luke said, unaffected by my words.

“What?” What if I broke something or messed it up?

“Sit,” Luke commanded, pointing to the seat on the bike. I did as bid and straddled the seat. “This is the throttle.” Luke said, pointing to the handlebar before placing my hand on it and covering his with mine. I pulled back, feeling it twist in my hand trying to ignore the closeness of Luke’s body, and the sexiness of his voice. My arm was stretched out, causing my leather corset top to ride above my belly button. “This is the brake and the other is the clutch,” he said, moving my hand to pump the brake. He released my hand, dragging his fingers down my arm slowly, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He threw his leg over the bike, straddling it and facing me before placing his hands on my waist and lifting me, pushing me back further on the seat. I leaned back against the cool fender as he grabbed my left leg and positioned himself between my thighs. “The greatest thing about this bike is that it’s the perfect height.” My breath caught in my throat as his hips pushed into me, treating me with the feel of his rock hard cock against my leathered crotch. “You have the perfect amount of leverage to get just the momentum you need,” he said coolly, pushing against me deeper.

“Is that so?” I asked breathlessly, enjoying my lesson.

“Do you want me to fuck you on this bike, Dallas?” His words caught me off guard. They were so forward and to the point, just how I like them.

“Yes,” I said, with a relieved sigh. I thought he was just teasing me before, but now I knew he would deliver.

“I know you do,” he said, his voice filled with arrogance. He released my leg to unzip his pants and free himself. I moaned at the sight of him, thick and hard and all for me. He grabbed my pants, and I lifted my ass so he could peel them off of me. Instead of removing them, he slid them just low enough to expose what he needed, leaving me restrained and my legs forced to come together. He draped them over his right shoulder, before guiding himself inside me.