“Katelyn I really want you to play.” She started to open her mouth, but I shut her up by continuing. “It’s no secret that I come from money, but know that is not what this is. I’m not here to hurt your pride or make you feel like you owe me something, I’m offering my help because I wish someone had offered it to me.” Her face became puzzled, as she tried to process what I said. I took a seat on the bed, patting the spot next to me, indicating that she should join me. She sat down, and I looked into her big, blue eyes as they appraised me with caution. “I didn’t have the same opportunity you do. I was thrown into this life without the chance to get to know anyone. I felt like an outsider for the longest time, and I am just now finding my niche. As you can see, Chi Chi and I are still on the outs, and I haven’t had the time to really connect with anyone other than Maddie, Red, and Brooklyn. Chris is making sacrifices, as are you, so that one day you will gain so much more than you have put in. But remember, you are forfeiting a lot too, and deserve to let your hair down every once in a while. If you don’t connect with these women, his whole prospect period will be a waste. Trust me. You will find yourself hating the club and this life. You will start to see Chris in a different light as one of them instead of your husband. To be a part of this club, you have to participate with the club. And besides, you don’t want to miss out on all the fun shit.” She dropped her head and smiled, considering my words. Finally, she let out a long breath, and nodded.

“Okay, Dallas. I’ll play.” I wanted to hand her some money, but she stood, pulling a twenty from her pocket. “But I’m only buying in once.”

“Deal. Oh, and Katelyn,” she stopped and turned, looking over her shoulder at me. I fidgeted with my hands, trying to muster up the courage to beg for her silence.

“Don’t worry. I won’t say anything. We have to look out for each other, right?” She gave me a wink, and I smiled gratefully. My embarrassing moment of not knowing how to introduce myself would remain a secret.

Chapter 16


The game had started and Red dealt the cards like a pro, slinging them around the table, so that they landed perfectly in front of each of us. Even though she held the title as dealer and wore that hideous green visor, she dealt to herself and I, as well as everyone else, eyed her when she won the first nine dollar pot, as a result of a king high flush-one of the best hands you could get in three card poker.

“You’re fucking cheatin’,” Mary accused, matching the nine dollar pot along with Katina, Brooklyn, and myself.

“Well, I didn’t have shit, so I don’t care if you cheated or not.” Punkin chimed in, throwing her cards on the table.

“I didn’t cheat. It was just a lucky hand,” Red said in defense, while piling up her nine dollar win. It wasn’t the amount of money on the table, it was the title of poker queen that really mattered. I wanted to win.

“I say everyone deals their turn. Throw that little plastic dealer chip you got there in the trash and pass the cards to the person on your left.” Brooklyn said, not accusing Red, but not happy about losing almost half her chips on the first hand. Everyone agreed, and Red passed the cards to Chi Chi, who sat on her left, with an eye-roll. The pot was now thirty-six dollars, and whoever lost would be going to the infamous ATM, or taking off some earrings; everyone except Red, of course. I was dealt a low straight and stayed. Everyone had folded except me, and now the decision was left up to the dealer. If Chi Chi folded, I would win, and everyone would ante up another dollar. If she stayed and lost, she would owe thirty-six dollars, as would I if it was me who lost. I kept my face blank, as Chi Chi stared at me from across the table. There was more to this particular stand-off, than there would have been to any other. One of us was going to lose and whoever that was, would rather lose to anyone at the table than to each other.

“I’m considering staying with cowboys, because there’s not too much that can beat them.” I knew what she was doing. First, she used slang terminology like “cowboys” instead of “kings” to see if she could throw me off, hoping that I didn’t know what that meant. Second, she never mentioned they were a pair, so she was trying to convince me that she had three of a kind, which was the best hand you could get in our house rules of three-card poker. Third, she was trying to get a reaction out of me, which she didn’t. According to the house rules, if you and the dealer are the only two who stay, you have the option of folding. Yeah, that wasn’t gonna happen. I would lose to her before I folded.