“I love you, too. Be careful.” He gave me that stomach-flipping smile, and I gave my vagina a mental high five for turning our nervous, sorrowful Luke into a relaxed and happy one. He left and I lay in bed, waiting for the sound of his bike. When it came, along with so many others, I got up and put on some presentable clothes to go see what my crazy sisters had in store for tonight.

“It’s poker time. You in?” Red asked, as soon as I walked into the main room. I laughed at the green visor she wore in an attempt to look like a dealer from the 19th century. A round table was set up in the middle of the room with nine chairs gathered around it. Ashtrays, poker chips and beer bottles littered the table, at which Red, Chi Chi, and Katina were already seated. I saw Punkin and Mary dragging an ice chest toward us, while Brooklyn lined the bar with junk food and Maddie pulled a trash can next to Red. Katelyn was behind the bar assisting Brooklyn, looking as nervous and out of place as always. God bless her, but I would heed Mary’s advice and let her come to me first. I didn’t want the girls jumping down her throat for not addressing me properly. “Dallas.” Red said, snapping her fingers in the air to get my attention. Geeze. Her voice was enough. Red had the ability to get everyone’s attention with that big mouth of hers.

“Yes, Red. I’m in.”

“Good. It’s a twenty dollar buy-in, with the option to buy-in again as many times as you want. House rules, which are slightly different. You can find them behind the bar. No big blind, little blind, no max on the raise and a dollar ante. Three-card poker and you match the pot if you lose. If everyone folds, the dealer takes the pot. The pot can get big, so if you don’t have enough cash we do accept payment in the form of jewelry, and there is an ATM beside the bar.” I swung my head toward the bar in disbelief. Who the hell let them put an ATM in the clubhouse? I stared at the lighted machine, pointing my finger at it, and giving Red a disbelieving look.

“They have an ATM?” I asked, as if I still needed confirmation that it was really sitting there.

“So it seems,” Red said slowly, looking at me like I was stupid.

“I mean I know it’s there, but how in the hell did they get an ATM?”

“We stole it,” Chi Chi said, her face straight, and her tone serious.

“Oh,” I muttered, unsure of what to say to that.

“We didn’t steal it,” Mary said, slapping Chi Chi on the arm. Chi Chi’s smug smile lit up her face, as she put her lips to her beer to control her laughter. “This is a legit business. It’s a pool hall for members only. As you can see,” Mary said, gesturing with her hands around the room. “We are the only members.” Now that made a little more sense.

“Y’all come on.” Red called impatiently. I ran to my room, digging my wallet out of my purse, and grabbing a couple of twenties. I wouldn’t need any more than that. I heard a light knock on the door and found Katelyn standing there, blushing as if she had just seen me naked.

“Sorry to bother you. I wanted to introduce myself properly.” I smiled at her as I motioned for her to come in, while I shoved my wallet back in my purse and threw it on the dresser. She stuck her shaking hand out to mine, and I took it, finding her hand clammy and warm from nerves. “Devil’s Renegades Prospect Chris’ wife, Katelyn, Lake Charles chapter.”

“Say that five times fast.” I said with a wink, which made her relax a little. As I started to say my name, I froze. I had never introduced myself before. The lost look on my face made her smile as she, the wife of a PROSPECT, helped me, the ol’ lady to a president, introduce myself.

“Property of Devil’s Renegades President, LLC, Hattiesburg chapter.” She said with a whisper.

“Right. I don’t say my name?” I asked confused.

“It depends on how cordial you want to be. Like, I am a potential sister, so I am assuming I am not a threat to you, and since we are going to be getting closer over the next year, you would probably want to tell me your name. I say over the next year; that’s if he makes it.” She didn’t sound as if she doubted his ability to make it, just informing me that she wasn’t assuming he would. I liked that. This girl knew her shit.

“Okay, so hi, I’m Dallas, property of Devil’s Renegades President, LLC, Hattiesburg chapter.” I bit my lip and held my breath awaiting her confirmation. She smiled and made a slight bow.