“She does that shit. Now, we will all have to hear the guys bitch about how we should be a little more like Mary.” I watched as Mary flipped her the finger, as she continued to remove any dust from the bike.

“What were you doing flailing your arms around?” I asked Red, trying to smooth my hair down and get rid of my terrible case of helmet-head. The humidity made it impossible to make it even resemble something presentable, but all the women seemed to have the same problem.

“She does that shit,” Mary said, walking up, and throwing Red’s words back at her. “She’s always singing and dancing, acting like some crazed idiot.” This time it was Red’s turn to flip the finger, as everyone started to slowly make their way inside. The restaurant housed booths large enough to sit four. Brooklyn, Red, Maddie, and myself sat in one, while Mary, Katina, Chi Chi, and Punkin sat in the other. A waitress approached, passing us to go to the guys. Luke sat on the outside of the booth, making him her target. When he flashed her his million-dollar smile, she all but melted into a pile of mush on the floor. She wore her hair in dreads, her nails long, her skin tanned, and her tits falling out the top of her shirt. Red started to strike up conversation, not realizing what was going on because her back was to them.

“Shh!” I said, in a whisper, grabbing her hand to halt her speech. Her eyes followed mine, as did the other ladies’, as we all sat and watched the scene unfold.

“Hey handsome,” the waitress said, dragging her long fingernail down Luke’s arm. I felt my whole body still. I didn’t know this woman. She didn’t know me. She might think he was single. I didn’t care. I wanted to rip her fucking finger off, and throw it in the deep fryer.

“Hello, Renee. It’s a pleasure to see you, as always.” Renee? Always? A pleasure? He knew her? I felt a hand on my shoulder, and turned to see Punkin poking her head between me and Maddie.

“You want me to shank her? I can kill that bitch with this spoon, and she won’t ever know what hit her,” she said, loud enough for the guys in front of us to hear, prompting them to burst out in fit of laughs disguised as coughs. I didn’t acknowledge Punkin, but seriously considered her offer when I watched Renee run her hands through Luke’s hair.

“It was a pleasure, wasn’t it?” I started to get up when Brooklyn spoke.

“Yo, bitch. We would like some service if you are through fucking with my sister’s ol’ man. Can’t you see the bitch has a property patch? Do you not see that big fuckin’ LLC on the front of her vest?” I could have kissed Brooklyn for this. At the sound of her voice, the waitress dropped her hand from Luke, but the smile remained, as she leaned down on the table, taking their order. Regg seemed to be loving the voluptuous breasts that all but fell in his lap, but Red didn’t seem to care. She looked up to see me watching her, and gave me a quizzical look.

“What? That bitch’s balls ain’t big enough to touch my ol’ man. If she wants to pour those fake-ass titties out for him to look at that’s fine, but if she lays a hand on him I’ll cut that bitch up in her own restaurant and place her in her own fuckin’ cooler, and burn this motherfucker down with her in it.” I sat in shock at Red’s outburst, which was loud enough for everyone, including Renee, to hear.

“Shut up, Red,” I heard Regg say, from two tables down.

“I got my point across, though.” Red said, her voice lower this time, but loud enough so that Regg heard once again. Damn, he had some good ears.

“Last warning. Shut your fucking mouth.” I had never heard Regg take that tone with anyone, and, as if he had slapped her mouth shut, Red’s lips closed immediately, as she scanned the menu. When Renee finally made it to our table, her enthusiasm was less than barely there, it was non-existent.

“Ladies,” she greeted us, shortly. “What can I get you all to drink?” We all ordered something different, not purposefully, but I was glad we were making her job a little harder. I watched her scurry off, giving our ticket to a young girl who looked scared to death, before heading to the back.

“So she owns this place?” I asked, remembering Red’s rant.

“Yeah, but when the guys come in here she always waits on them. Especially if Luke is around,” Maddie said, as I felt a commotion under the table. Someone had kicked her for opening her mouth.