“You LLC’s girl?” he asked, and I shrank at the sound of his booming voice. Yep, definitely scary. I scanned his cut to confirm that he was a member of the Devil’s Renegades and that he was also the Sergeant At Arms. I could have guessed that one. The man could kill someone just by looking at them, I was sure of it. Instead of closing my mouth and standing up straight, I remained in the position of a wounded, frightened animal, and just nodded my head.

“Who the fuck is your friend?” I tore my eyes away from Mr. “I can snap your neck with one hand,” and found myself staring at a very beautiful, very intimidating, very pissed-off woman, whose attitude was perceptible in her stance and voice. “Who the fuck are you?” she asked, not giving the man next to me a chance to answer. I took in her appearance, from the black and orange bandana she wore over her dark hair, and the extremely large diamonds that dangled from her ears, to her perfect, bulging breasts and skin-tight, ripped jeans. Even if she wasn’t such a bitch, I still wouldn’t like her.

“She belongs to me.” Luke said, appearing beside me. When my eyes landed on him, thoughts of Mr. and Mrs. Evil Biker disappeared, as did the hand on my upper arm. Luke was shirtless and sweaty, and looked like he had just finished fucking every woman in the room, and I didn’t care. Any woman who failed to at least try was a fool in my book; not that they had a chance in hell. Now I was sure of the reason for my irregular heartbeat, thundering against my chest louder than the music. It was because of the Adonis that stood before me. Luke’s hair was getting long. It was probably long enough for me to wrap my fingers around, a theory I would test soon enough. His breathing was harsh and deep, causing his chest to heave out at an intake of breath, and his nostrils flare on the release. His body shined, the sweat glistening on every visible part of his exposed, tanned skin. The veins in his arms were big and thick, protruding from his biceps and down his forearms. His abs rippled across his stomach and couldn’t have been more perfect if they had been spray-painted on. When his tongue darted out of his mouth and across his bottom lip, moistening it before pulling it between his teeth, I lost the ability to breathe. Motherfucker. How had I survived without him? How had I allowed him to be away from me? I was in a fog, watching Luke’s lips move as he spoke, imagining what they would feel like on my pussy. When his eyes were right in front of mine, blocking my view of his chest, they moved again and I realized he was talking to me.

“Huh?” I asked weakly, my mouth dry from gaping open for so long. I quickly shut it, licking my lips as I tried to figure out what he had repeated for me, so I wouldn’t look like such a love-struck fool. I had nothing. He had repeated his words to me, and still I had no idea what he had said. Between the awe I had experienced at meeting Mr. Mean, and the sight of a half-naked Luke, I had lost all sense.

“Babe,” Luke said again, a little louder, gaining us the attention of a nearby crowd of guys.

“What?” I asked, giving him an annoyed look. Damn him for fucking up my ab-watching.

“I want you to meet some people. Officially.” Oh. Luke placed his hands on my shoulders, turning me back around to the couple whose faces of hate had turned to faces of smirking amusement. Was the smirk a biker thing? I forced a smile on my face as I stood up taller; trying to reclaim what little dignity I had left after my public eye-fucking session with Luke. “Dallas, this is my brother Shark, and his ol’ lady, Chi Chi.” I placed my hand in Shark’s, making sure my handshake was firm, as I figured his would be. Instead, he clasped my hand lightly, leaving me looking like an idiot as I squeezed the shit out of his fingers, with an overachieving firmness. The gesture earned me a friendly smile, and a small nod of respect. Chi Chi on the other hand, had a smugger smile, as she all but curtsied in sarcasm, leaving my opinion of her where it had initially stood, with a few new additives; jealous, evil, bitch. They didn’t speak to me, but stayed around, trying to form their own opinion of me as I was introduced to the other people in the group. “I know you have met Mary,” Luke said, gesturing toward the petite woman with beautiful, silver hair that fell to the tops of her shoulders.