“Is that all?” Luke asked, after a moment passed. Without hesitation, I responded.

“Yes.” Liar. But thank God, I had answered fast enough that Luke didn’t find any reason to question me.

“You could have been killed. You could have been hurt. You could be halfway across the country right now, and I wouldn’t even know it. Not only did you endanger your life, but Maddie and Red’s too. The only reason Regg isn’t here is because I knew if I told him he would likely kill you for putting Red through that shit.” Damn. I was glad Regg didn’t know. For some reason, I was sure he would be a lot more violent than Luke. “Get up.” I looked at Luke to find his tone was deadly serious. I shook my head. No fucking way. “I said, get up.” I shook my head again, afraid of leaving the safety of my chair. “I’ve had a really fucked-up day. I’m tired, and mad as hell, and have a long ride ahead of me. I think since you are the cause of it, you owe me something.” I saw the angry, feral need in his eyes and suddenly, I was happy Luke was pissed. I was about to be subjected to one of the greatest punishment fucks in history. “Don’t get too excited, babe. You won’t benefit from it,” he said, catching that gleam of hope in my eyes, and snatching it back out of my reach. There was nothing that could happen with Luke that I wouldn’t benefit from. But, if it made him happy to believe that, then I would let him. I managed to frown and make it look genuine as Luke moved back, allowing me to stand. “Lean over the desk,” he demanded and I smiled to myself, thinking how wonderful this was going to be. I had never been so thankful for skirts in all of my life. I leaned over the desk, giving Luke a tease by shaking my ass at him. Bad idea.

“Ouch!” I yelled, my back straightening, and my hands flying to my ass, as I rubbed the spot where his hard hand had just landed.

“Bend over, Dallas,” he said, his voice not holding even the slightest hint of remorse. I leaned across the desk once more, forgetting about my stinging backside as his hands gripped the hem of my skirt and brought it up around my waist. I felt my panties being tugged down my legs, and I widened my stance to accommodate what I knew was coming- a big, hard cock that was sure to send me to that perfect oblivion where nothing mattered but him and me. I heard his huff of laughter through his nose, and knew he was smirking. I was glad that he was finally showing an emotion other than anger, although I was clueless as to what was so funny. I heard the sound of his belt being unbuckled and my body broke out in goosebumps. Fuck, I wanted to see it. I wanted to watch him as he lowered his zipper and freed himself, but the sound of the zipper never came. Instead, I heard the sound of his belt being removed from its loops. Was Luke going to get completely naked? I felt his hand firmly on my back as I felt him move to the side of me. “I once told you something, Dallas, and today is the day I make good on my promise. You practically begged me to spank you, and I let you know that I only gave out spankings in the form of punishments. When I leave from here, I will be sure that you rethink your decisions to double cross me.” I struggled against the weight of his hand as I tried to lift myself from the desk. This was not happening. I was his lover, his ol’ lady, I was a fucking CEO. I was not going to be spanked like a child in my own office. I had never had a spanking in all of my twenty-six years, and I wasn’t going to have one now. I heard the belt before I felt it. It cut through the air, leaving a whistling sound in its wake. The pain was excruciating as I yelped and began to struggle harder against Luke’s hold.

“Stop, Luke. I fucking mean it. Stop, right now.” He answered with another crack from his belt that landed hard on my ass, taking my breath from my lungs, and causing tears to prick the back of my eyes. “Dammit Luke! Stop!” I screamed in anger. This wasn’t just unnatural, it was fucking ridiculous!

“Not gonna happen, babe. At least, not anytime soon.” By the tone of Luke’s voice, he was still pissed, and I knew there was no stopping him. I heard the belt once again, as it sliced through the air and landed on my ass in a stinging smack that forced another yelp from my mouth. Another, and another, and another, and I was squealing, begging for his mercy. My words fell on deaf ears, as my tears soaked my face and my desk. He continued with his vicious spanking, which I was sure would result in me sleeping on my side for weeks. He was angry, too angry to be touching me. My voice was hoarse from screaming. My make-up was smeared from crying, and my desk was covered in tears, spit, and snot. There was nothing pretty about this situation, and although my ass was taking the pain, it was my pride that was the most hurt. Eventually, Luke stopped. My hands remained balled into fists and my body stayed tight, anticipating another blow that didn’t come. When Luke’s calloused hand rubbed the raw and beaten flesh of my ass, the feeling was not nurturing and comforting, but revolting and painful. When I tensed at his touch, his hand stilled but remained. I was still begging for him to stop, even though he had.