Chapter 6


I had been standing in the living room for what seemed like hours, staring at my feet and feeling like shit. I had just been subjected to an all-out LLC wrath; not my first and probably not my last. But this one was different. This time, I didn’t have a leg to stand on. I couldn’t blame Dallas for ratting me out. Hell, I expected it. What I wasn’t expecting was for Luke to lose his shit on me. Thank God, Regg had already left and wasn’t around to hear it. It was bad enough having Luke up my ass, the last thing I needed was trust issues with Regg. I heard Luke’s bedroom door shut, and knew that the next face I saw would be Dallas’. I was sure she had heard everything. She came into view looking fucking stunning as always, and met me with a hurtful look that was like a punch to the gut.

“I told you that because I wanted you to ask Luke what was going on. I didn’t want the club to suffer because he was too chicken-shit to open his mouth. When it comes to you, he doesn’t think straight. It’s like he only sees you. Not what’s going on around him. Not what’s happening in the near future, or what happened in the past; only you.” There was no point in sugar-coating anything. She needed to know. “If I hurt your feelings or embarrassed you, I apologize. That was not my intention. I am not an idiot, ya know? I’m fully aware that I’m not a patch-holder, but sometimes ol’ ladies see things the guys don’t. Especially when it comes to women. Had I not acted the way I did last night, you would not have confronted Luke. If you hadn’t, then he would still be trying to find a way to tell you he was leaving, and in turn he would be prolonging the ride, and putting his brothers at risk. He needs to be in Lake Charles. Not here with you.” Maybe I was being a little too bold with that. I probably shouldn’t have made it sound like Luke didn’t know what the fuck he was doing, but it was the best way I could explain it. I watched as Dallas approached me. Her face was unreadable when she stopped only inches away from me. Even though she had to look up at me, it was me who felt intimidated.

“Luke is a grown man. He handles his club and his woman just fine. Stop trying to run shit, Red. Just because he doesn’t do things the way you think he should, doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Shame on you for accusing your brother, the leader of this club, the man who you trust with your husband’s life, of not thinking clearly because of a bitch. I’m not an idiot either. I know my place and it’s always behind Luke. I suggest you find yours. Until you do, you better follow Luke’s advice and stay the fuck out of our business and the club’s business.” Dallas walked off, leaving my hand twitching to slap the make-up right off her face. She was right and I knew it. I guess I had that coming. I knew Luke would never intentionally put the club or his brothers in jeopardy. I knew he wouldn’t let a bitch, not even one as fine as Dallas, come between him and his club. I had let the stress of the past few weeks finally get to me. Where Dallas broke down and cried, I vented by acting like a bitch. Just the thought of Regg being gone for another undetermined amount of time had me blaming Luke for his absence. I needed Regg. I had become so dependent on him. He was my addiction. Even the high I used to get from cocaine back when I was at my worst had nothing on the high I got from Regg. I had let an addiction take over my life once again, and it had me lashing out at the ones I loved. I felt my demons resurfacing, and making me do shit I would regret. Thank fuck for Luke and Dallas, who had brought me back down to earth. Every ol’ lady, at some point, had to be put in her place. Today must have been my lucky fucking day.


I found Luke in the kitchen, making a meal out of last night’s leftovers. I smiled brightly, as I climbed on the barstool across from him. My conversation with Red was not visible on my face, and neither was his. He looked just as happy as he had been the last time I saw him.

“You hungry, babe?” he asked, through a mouthful of food. I shook my head, my plans to have lunch downtown were the reason I had got ready so quickly. I would not ruin it over leftover barbeque and chips, although it did look quite tempting.