“Where to ma’am?”

“Windsor Bed and Breakfast.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“How long before we arrive?”

“We should be there around noon.”

At 11:59 we turned onto the street leading to our destination and I had a wad of twenties in one hand and a key to “The Sunset Lodge” in the other. Once the car had stopped, I handed the money to the man over the seat and stepped out into the pouring rain, which impaired my ability to see. I ran down the cobblestone walk ways, eyeing each wooden sign that was perfectly placed in the flowerbed outside each individual cottage. By the time I made it to the room, I feared I was too late. As I turned the key to unlock the door, I prayed that he was still here.

Inside the beautiful room that was decorated in light, pastel colors, I found Luke sitting on the edge of the enormous bed at its center. His elbows rested on his knees as they bounced impatiently, awaiting my arrival. Where I counted numbers and said my ABCs to keep my thoughts from straying, Luke used music. I don’t know if it was the song choice, or the way his face looked as the pain disintegrated and was replaced with a look of relief. Maybe it was the adrenaline coursing through my body or the realization that everything was over, and we were back together with nothing left to tear us apart. Whatever it was, had me desperate for him as I stood by the door, the water dripping from my drenched clothes and onto the floor. When he stood from the bed, I launched myself at him, my wet body colliding with his, hard as stone, as he embraced me in his arms. He pushed my wet hair, which lay stuck to the sides of my face, and neck out of his way as his mouth claimed mine in a feverish, passionate kiss. His lips moved quickly over my face, hurriedly, but reverently, kissing each exposed area. He lowered me to the bed, his body covering mine as he made quick work of removing the clothes that separated us. When I was naked beneath him, reveling in the feeling of skin on skin as his body heat radiated from him, showering me with his warmth, his frantic pace slowed, and in that moment, he told me everything I needed to know in a single, unhurried kiss that wasn’t broken, until the need for us to breathe overpowered our need for that significant connection. When he slid inside me, his pace slow and determined, my eyes rolled to the back of my head as the feeling of him completely filling me and reaching through to my soul replaced everything that wasn’t in this particular earth shattering moment. As his hips moved in tune with Counting Crows’ song “Colorblind”, his eyes penetrated mine. He kept his face close to my own, catching each whimper and moan that escaped my mouth with his mouth. When the passion of our lovemaking couldn’t get any stronger, when the feeling of absoluteness had reached its peak, Luke’s words took me to a place in the heavens, higher than I ever could have imagined.

“Marry me, Dallas.”I looked into his eyes, overflowing with love and compassion for me. His movements never slowed, as he pushed into me, over and over, putting everything he couldn’t say in words into measured strokes as he circled his hips, his eyes full of hope and promise never leaving mine. “Marry me. Let me spend forever making you the happiest, most loved woman in the world.” His voice was low and breathy, wrapping around my heart and sealing it with his promises. There would never be another day in my life on this planet that could make me feel as cherished as I did in this moment. Before my climax came, before the earth moved and shattered around me, I gave him my answer with a single word, but it was the promise and security he found in the depths of my eyes that told him everything he needed to know.


Saving Dallas Forever


Luke was just as anxious to make me his wife as I was to become it. He had proposed four months ago, and we had agreed that the first Saturday in April would be the day. The venue was perfect. We would be getting married at the Abbey, a bed and breakfast I owned in Tupelo. The historical mansion was such a beautiful place that the only decorations required were the fresh flowers that I placed sparingly around the grand room, where the ceremony would be held. A huge staircase centered the room, and the nuptials would take place at the top. Jackie, Gladean, and Pearl, three of the employees at the Abbey, were working feverishly in the kitchen, preparing the food for the reception. Stacy (the man who I considered an uncle, but had also accused of trying to kill me) and I had shared a drink together the night before. Ironic I know, and I was glad to see he held no ill will toward me, not that he should, because there was no way in hell I would ever give him a reason to. Some things were just better left unsaid. He, like Jackie, Gladean, and Pearl, had been working his ass off to ensure everything was ready for this evening.