“Tell me what we can do to make it right,” the leader said, hoping for a truce that I was afraid wouldn’t come.

“Leave. Get the fuck outta my town and go find another one to fuck up,” Ronnie said, his tone letting the man know the offer was not negotiable. But the man pressed on, hoping to settle the problem with a different alternative.

“This is a big town. Can it not accommodate the both of us?” His voice was not hopeful or pleading, just straightforward, and without emotion.

“I think you already know that answer. If you’re smart, you’ll leave. If you decide to stay, you better build a fucking army ‘cause I’m gonna make it my mission to take you down. We don’t tolerate disrespect from anyone. We don’t give a fuck how untouchable you think you are.” I knew Ronnie was referring to the fact that the majority of their club consisted of lawyers and cops. They figured they could do whatever they wanted and get away with it, but in this town, it was the outlaws who ran the streets. Not some pencil pushin’, divorce attorney or cop, who lived on a median income and whose highlight of the day was writing traffic violation tickets. No, this was biker world and nobody knew it better than our guys. Anyone could ride a Harley and slap a patch on, but it was how they conducted themselves while wearing it that made the difference between us and them. The man studied Ronnie for a long time. I don’t know if he was weighing his options, or waiting for one of our guys to make a move, but when he finally did speak, I was relieved. He closed the small distance between him and Ronnie, stopping a couple of feet from him when Shark and Bryce stepped out from behind Ronnie and halted the man with a look.

“I am Metal and Madness National President Jock, and on behalf of my club I want to apologize for the disrespect and inconvenience some of our members have caused you. I can assure you that it will be dealt with.” Ronnie didn’t stick his hand out to Jock and Jock didn’t offer his hand to Ronnie. He just turned and walked back to his club, signaling with his hand for everyone to get ready to leave. We stood and watched until the last bike was gone and the sounds of the pipes were far in the distance.

“I’m glad y’all showed up. Hell, I was thinkin’ I was gonna have to have all the fun myself,” the handsome man who was already there when we arrived said, his face breaking out into a smile revealing a perfect dimple in each cheek. I heard Red sigh next to me and found her eyes filled with lust, as they raked down the man’s tall, muscular body.

“That Dallas, is Malfuctional MC President, Magic Mike.” I followed her gaze and watched as Mike hugged each of the men, and then made his way over to the ladies. Red nearly took everyone out, as she reached to wrap her arms around Mike’s neck. “Have mercy I have missed you!” Red squealed, stopping to grab Mike’s shoulders, biceps, and forearms with a squeeze. “Fuck,” she said, shaking her head as if to clear her thoughts. There was no telling what was going on inside that head of hers.

“Red, you lookin’ fine, and you still crazy as hell,” Mike said, before giving the other ladies a hug. When he got to me, he stuck his hand out and I took it with a smile. “Malfuctional MC President Mike.”

“Dallas, Property of Devil’s Renegades President, LLC.” When I introduced myself, like a fucking pro, the expression on Mike’s face turned to surprise, as he looked at the vest I wore for confirmation.

“I’ll be damned. Well Dallas, it is a pleasure to finally meet you.” He said, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

“Likewise,” I said, with a nod. Our attention was drawn to the small SUV that barreled through the parking lot, coming to a screeching halt in front of us. A pretty brunette emerged from the car, her face filled with panic and worry as she appraised Mike for a moment before clutching her chest in relief.

“Oh thank God,” she said, running and jumping into his arms. I took in her outfit, consisting of a hoodie and pajama pants that were stuffed inside a pair of snow boots. She grabbed Mike’s face and kissed him before gathering Brooklyn and Red in a hug, hurriedly talking to each of them. “I was sitting at home when I got a call from the bartender to tell me that Mike was surrounded by Metal and Madness in the parking lot. I just threw some shoes on and jumped in the car.” She hugged the other girls, everyone telling her she looked beautiful even in her scruffy attire. She walked to me and stuck her hand out, her eyes wild and crazy as she came down off the rush of adrenaline. “Angela, Property of Malfuctional MC President, Magic Mike.”