“Fuck me,” Maddie muttered as Red did just that to the stage. My mouth hung open as she made love in front of a room full of viewers. Her face showed it, her moves showed it, and I was sure if the stage could talk he would ask for a cigarette. At some point during her escape from reality, Red became almost angry. Gone was the slow love-making, and in its place was raw, hardcore fucking. It was as if she was demanding more attention from her imaginary lover when her skilled moves became more aggressive as the song intensified. She took her frustration out on the long, silver pole, caressing it one moment then acting as if it had slapped her the next. When she grabbed it and began climbing, locking her ankles and pulling herself up, causing the muscles in her arms to flex and really show her strength, I was expecting her to go halfway and then spin back down. What I didn’t expect was to have to hold tighter to Brooklyn, so as not to lose my balance, while my head leaned further back to watch as she made her way to the top, two stories up. Everyone held their breath, as Red let go with her hands, and fully extended her body, starting her descent upside down at a leisurely pace. When Red’s satin gown slid over her head and fell through the air, revealing her lacy black bra and matching black lace boy shorts, the crowd went wild. Her arms hung lifelessly in the air as she depended on her crossed ankles and six inch stilettos, which were wrapped around the pole, to keep her from falling on her head. Before she hit the bottom, her hands found the pole once again as she unlocked her ankles and flipped, landing on her feet. She walked across the stage, her legs crossing in front of one another, as she lifted her finger, pointed over my head and lip-synced the words “you and me baby we be fucking like gorillas”, before throwing her head back and hitting her knees. All the emotions that were heard in the lyrics were felt by Red, as her fists knotted in her hair for a moment before she released it to rub her hands suggestively down her body, her eyes never leaving Regg’s. She stood and walked back to the pole, taking one last walk around it, just as she had when she had first come out, before posing beside it as the song came to an end. Everyone screamed and money littered the stage, while Red stood breathing hard, her focus on her man not faltering, even in all the commotion. Regg walked in front of us, and Red met him at the edge of the stage. He lifted her from it and every word that wasn’t spoken was heard loud and clear. When they shared a kiss so sweet it made all our hearts melt, I was afraid the moment would call for all of us wanting to abandon one another to be with our men. But trust Punkin to ruin it, and get us back on track.

“I thought Red was a dancer,” I said to her, as she joined me on the table where I now stood alone. She handed me a shot then leaned in close, so she could be heard over the crowd.

“Hell naw. She was a stripper. Hey, can I tell you a secret?” Punkin asked, her face serious as she chewed on her lip. I gave her a smile and put my hand on her shoulder in reassurance.

“Of course.”

“I’m not sure, but I think I just cum.”

Chapter 22


“But I wanna ride with you,” I whined to Luke, as I jumped in his arms and wrapped my legs around him.

“Babe, you ain’t riding with me in that fuckin’ dress,” Luke said, with a laugh. He had retrieved me from the table I had been standing on and him, along with the other guys, had led us out of the crowded bar and to the parking lot. He sat me down, having to pry me from around his waist, and kept a firm hold on me until my wobbly legs finally managed to hold me up. I looked around the parking lot to find Mary and Katina in their own little world, as they attempted to re-enact Red’s performance.

“Get in the damned car,” Big Al said, holding the door open for Mary, who stopped to grind against him before entering. He rolled his eyes and looked at Luke, not hiding his impatience. “I’ve already held her hair once this week, while she puked her fucking guts up. I ain’t doin that shit again.” Luke’s body shook with laughter, as he turned me toward the car to climb in behind Mary.