“We have two weeks together before you leave to go to Atlanta. I want to enjoy this time with you. There may be some shit that goes down with this other club, but we aren’t too threatened by them, so even if it does, it shouldn’t be that big a deal. I’ll tell you what’s going on, but only when you need to hear it. Right now, let’s just enjoy the moment. I’ve never had two full weeks with you without some crazy shit happening. You don’t worry, and I won’t worry. Deal?” Just the thought of two weeks with Luke without interruption was enough to make me agree. He said he would tell me, and although I wanted to know now, I would wait. I was sure he would find some way to keep my mind busy enough to forget the anticipated news.

“Deal. No work, no worries, and no bullshit. Just us.” I agreed, sitting up so I could see his face.

“I can’t guarantee the no bullshit bit. I’m sure something fucked up will happen, but it won’t be between me and you. Now, go to sleep. I’m tired as fuck, and I need you beside me.” He didn’t have to say it twice. I fell asleep on Luke’s chest, with thoughts of us being together overshadowing the dark thoughts of what he had to tell me, which were not too far away in my mind.

I woke to find Luke sound asleep next to me. The worry and strain of the previous night was still evident on his tired, peaceful face. I decided to let him sleep in, and pulled myself from the bed, making sure not to wake him. I crept to the bathroom to freshen up, grabbing my bag on the way. The weather in Louisiana was just as difficult and crazy as it was in Mississippi. The humidity was unbearable, even though it was November. I chose a black t-shirt and gray yoga pants in the hope of hitting the clubhouse gym before Luke and I started our day. I pulled my tennis shoes from my bag, and tiptoed out of the room in search of coffee.

The corridor was quiet, but once I hit the main room, things were in full swing. There was not a man in sight, but every ol’ lady and a few stray women from the previous night were cleaning up, and the smell of strong coffee was in the air.

“Hey, baby!” I heard Brooklyn yell at me across the room. I smiled at her, giving her a small wave, as I made my way to the bar where she was cleaning. “I didn’t get to see you last night. I’m glad you’re here.” Before I could take a seat, she had a hot cup of coffee laid out for me, and a warm hug waiting. I leaned across the bar, melting in her arms, which swallowed me up me in a motherly hug. She looked amazing, as she always did. She wore a Harley Davidson baseball cap over her long hair, yoga pants, and a tank top. Her face was made-up completely, and she looked like she had been up for hours.

“Good morning to you. Thank you for the coffee.” I said, sitting and taking a sip.

“You’re welcome, baby.”

“Is there something I can do?” I asked, feeling silly for sitting on my ass while everyone else was cleaning.

“No no. We got it. Enjoy your coffee. We’re almost finished anyway.”

“I was thinking about hitting the gym in a few. Is that okay?” I asked, watching Mary and Katina from across the room, as they did back flips over the couch.

“We do yoga the mornings we’re together. It helps us clear our heads. You want to join?” Brooklyn asked, taking a break and propping herself up on the bar while she lit a cigarette. “She is gonna break her neck. Look at her! She is too little to be doing that shit.” We watched together, as Mary got a running start to jump backwards onto the couch. I turned to see Brooklyn doubled over in laughter. There was something amazing about the way she laughed, it just pulled you in and soon I was laughing too.

“Morning,” Red greeted us, taking a seat next to me on the bar stool, and leaning her head on my shoulder.

“Good morning, Red. Long night?” I asked, thinking that she and Regg had probably had a very interesting night filled with hot sex, considering they had been apart for so long.

“No, I’m just not a morning person,” she replied, leaning over the bar to give Brooklyn a kiss on the lips, as she accepted her coffee with a sigh. “Brooklyn’s coffee is sure to cure any hangover and give you some pep in your step.” I nodded in agreement, and we clinked coffee cups, before taking another appreciative sip. I looked back across the room, to find Chi Chi sauntering in, wearing a sports bra, and yoga pants that fit her like a second skin. “Chi Chi is so fucking hot,” Red said, following my gaze. I rolled my eyes, knowing she couldn’t see, but forgot that Brooklyn could, earning me more booming laughter from her.