“This man owes me a favor. I plan to make sure he follows through with it before I kill him.” He left my office, leaving me with a feeling that the favor that was owed consisted of taking my life.


I had driven Luke back to my office, turning on my side as much as possible; the pain of my ass reminding me that this time when he left, I would not be doing anything stupid. Instead of returning to work, I had agreed to meet Maddie and Red for coffee to fill them in on Luke’s surprise visit. I was dressed in sweats and a hoodie with my hair piled on my head, and no make-up. They took in my attire, and immediately knew that I had had a long night.

“Well, by your disheveled look and your slight limp, I would say Luke fucked you half to death.” Maddie said, once I took a cautious seat with them.

“Something like that,” I responded, taking a sip of my coffee. They wanted details, and I didn’t want to give them any.

“Soooooo,” Red said, looking at me expectantly.

“He was pissed. Very pissed. He threw a chair across my office,” I said, concentrating on my steaming coffee in an effort to ignore the pain of my ass. Maybe that would be enough to pacify them.

“Shit. Is that all?” I looked up at Red. I wondered if she knew what Luke was really capable of. She seemed to know him better than the rest of us. I looked between them, wondering what their reaction would be if I told them everything that had happened. Would they be surprised? Mortified?

“Yep. That’s it,” I lied. I couldn’t tell them. I just couldn’t.

“Liar. Come on, tell us what he did,” Red pushed, intent on knowing exactly what had happened.

“What does Regg do when he gets super mad at you? Like, what would he have done if he had found out you went?”

“He would have killed me,” Red said simply, with a shrug of her shoulders.

“Seriously, Red. What would he do?” It was my turn to press her for information. Maybe Regg was a spanker too.

“I don’t know. I don’t even want to think about it. But if you tell me what Luke did, then maybe it will give me insight on what to look for in the future,” Red suggested, with a wink. Oh, what the hell.

“He spanked me,” I said, trying to avoid their gaze, but found my eyes flicking from my coffee to their faces.

“He what?” Maddie asked, seriously thinking she had not heard me right. Yeah, Maddie. I fucking said it.

“He spanked me.” This time I met their gazes, and while Maddie continued to look confused, Red had fully processed what I had just told them. I looked around the coffee shop, embarrassed, as Red almost fell out of her seat laughing. Fucking bitch.

“Are you fucking serious?” she asked, with a laugh. I just glared at her, and she lost it again. “You are fucking serious!” I gave her about ten seconds of glory before I decided to shut her up.

“Yeah, funny huh?” I asked, faking laughter. She nodded, her face beet-red from laughing so hard. “That shit’s just too good not to share, huh?” I continued to fake my laughter as she nodded more, unable to catch her breath enough to talk. “So good that maybe we should tell Regg.” Red sobered immediately, and the begging began.

“I’m sorry. Shit. It’s not funny. I mean it is, but I won’t laugh anymore. Don’t tell Regg. He really will kill me.” She was breathing hard, reaching out to lay her hand on my arm, hoping the gesture would emphasize that she meant her words. She was struggling to keep a straight face, but I knew she didn’t want to face the wrath of Regg.

“So you are saying he spanked you? Like, with his hand?” Maddie asked, oblivious to Red’s laughing, and my empty threat. She really didn’t seem to get it.

“Yes, Maddie. But he used his belt.” This earned me another snicker from Red, which she tried to cover up with a cough.

“It’s not funny dammit. That shit hurt,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest, and rolling my eyes at them. I should have kept my mouth shut.

“Hey, look on the bright side. At least you still have your teeth.” Red’s comment was serious, but by the looks of all the ol’ ladies, none of them had been subjected to physical abuse.

“Now that you’ve said it, I can see Luke doing that. I mean he has always had some dominant tendencies. He likes control, he gets what he wants, and he has that aura about him that screams ‘I’ll fuck you till’ you pass out.’” Maddie noted, her brain finally recognizing the information and sorting it, delivering a reasonable explanation for Luke’s actions.