Chapter 1


Six Months Earlier

“Will someone please hold the fucking ladder before I bust my ass?” I yelled to the room, flailing my arms around, and almost losing my balance.

“Damn, Red. When did you become such a bitch?” Big Al asked, smiling up at me from under his flat bibbed hat. I wanted to strangle him with the chain he wore around his neck, which featured the number 13 embossed in a diamond shape dangling from its center.

“They will be here any minute and I don’t want these cheap ass streamers I bought to be hanging uneven. Since you have been here, you have been on that damned phone the whole time. Couldn’t you take time out of your busy life to just hold the ladder while I adjust them? Please?” I added sweetly, giving him that smile I know he can’t say no to. Big Al and Mary had come from Lake Charles to be here with us to celebrate the arrival of the club, and mostly Dallas. Somehow, I had been in charge of the homecoming party, while Brooklyn sat at the table sipping Canadian Mist, informing me that she had had her time in, and it was time for some of us other bitches to step up and take over. She looked up from her whiskey on the rocks to find me staring at her, and pursed her dark red lips, blowing me a kiss from across the room. Bitch. Damn, I love that woman.

“You gonna stand there all day staring at Brooklyn, or hang the fucking streamers?” Big Al snapped me back to the present with his playful scolding, while shaking the ladder causing my arms to reach up and grasp the top of it. Asshole. Damn, I love that man.

“Babe, you want me to hold it?” I looked down to see Mary, standing four-foot nine at her tallest, and laughed. I would crush her if, for some reason, I lost my balance and fell. Mary was the ol’ lady that we all dreamed of becoming one day. When her man was ready to ride, she had everything packed and loaded an hour before they left. When they stopped to get gas, she immediately began wiping the bike down, cleaning it of any dust, while the rest of us scurried off to smoke cigarettes and gossip. Yep, Mary made us all look bad and here she was, ever the good ol’ lady, doing it again. Skank. Damn, I love that woman.

“I got it, babe, I’m enjoying the view.” I heard everyone laugh and turned to see that a crowd had gathered behind me.

“What?” I asked, looking into the faces of the ones I loved. The ones I would give my life for, yet at this moment, I wouldn’t think twice about taking any of theirs. It suddenly occurred to me what I must look like. My torso was leaning over the top of the ladder, with my ass stuck out in the air for all to see. Someone, my guess is Brooklyn, so conveniently placed the ladder a little too far out, so that I had to reach to hang the streamers that were looking better by the minute, if I said so myself. “Bunch of perverts,” I muttered, causing the room to erupt into laughter once again.

“Come on, Red. Do us a little dance. You know, for old time’s sake.” I shook my head in disgust, as I recognized Bryce’s voice behind me. The six-foot five Sergeant At Arms for the Devil’s Renegades, Lake Charles Chapter, was not someone to mess with, but at this point I thought I could take him.

“I am going to pretend I didn’t hear that, and y’all better be glad Regg ain’t here to hear it either,” I said in a chastising tone, but just the mention of Regg’s name had me realizing how much I missed him. If anyone was glad all this shit was over, it was me. I needed Regg home where he belonged. I was pretty needy.

“We’re just teasing, babe.” Big Al attempted to soothe me in his strong Louisiana accent, as he gave the ladder a little shake, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he had done this in the hope of seeing a little jiggle from my ass. I looked down at him, and saw him smiling up at me once more, and I knew his statement was sincere. No one in the room would ever use my past against me, unless it was in the form of a joke. Bastards. Damn, how I loved them all.

My head shot up at the sound of pipes in the distance, and the entire house erupted into frenzy. I clambered down from the ladder, which was swiftly pulled away from me, and pushed into a closet. I heard Maddie hollering from somewhere in the house that they were here, and watched as she appeared, her arms loaded down with Devil’s kids, and a camera dangling from her mouth. I scrambled to find a mirror to fix my hair, my heart beating excitedly as I started shouting orders at everyone, instructing them to hide. I caught a glimpse of all the women, as I ran through the living room and crouched down behind the couch, while the men stood around shaking their heads at them. I rushed into the bathroom to find it empty, and fluffed up my red hair, which cascaded halfway down my back. The orange top I was wearing was quite a sight, with a scoop neck line that barely grazed the tops of my breasts, and had long sleeves that were slit from the shoulder to the wrists, exposing my tanned skin. The bottom was tight and gathered at my waist, revealing the slightest hint of my stomach. My black skinny jeans sat low on my hips, and showed off my “Property of Regg” tattoo that graces my lower back; my 25th birthday present from him. My killer heels were open-toed, and laced up to my ankles, showing off my perfectly painted, neon-orange toes; another favorite of Regg’s.