“What is the other reason?” I asked, cutting him off.

“He has four kids,” he said, simply. I didn’t know if I should take that as meaning that something could happen and he didn’t want to leave four kids fatherless, or that Juggs, Octane’s wife, needed him at home.

“What about Crash and Buck?” I pushed the thoughts of Juggs being a single mother to four to the back of my mind, and concentrated on finishing our conversation. I didn’t want to visit the dark place that housed all the “what ifs” in my mind. At least, not right now, anyway. Luke laughed a humorless laugh, and shook his head. Crash and Buck were young. Crash couldn’t be much older than twenty-one or twenty-two, and Buck was twenty-five at the oldest.

“Well, let’s see. Buck is a firefighter. He works forty-eight hours on, then seventy-two off, but has a pretty flexible schedule. Crash is a firefighter too, but he works a day shift of eight to five for a petroleum tank farm.” I was missing the joke that was obviously there. There wasn’t anything funny about being a firefighter. Hell, I thought it was a very admirable profession.

“How is that funny?” I asked, smiling, when Luke shook his head and smiled too.

“I lost a bet, so not only are they firefighters, they are also in charge of hiring the waiting staff at the bar.” Luke laughed to himself as he turned the water off, and ushered us out of the shower. I remembered the bartender at The County Tavern that had waited on me was a man, but there had been a lot of women in miniskirts and tight tops that barely covered their chests running around with shot trays and baskets of roses.

“What was the bet?” I asked, laughing with Luke at the thought of the two guys getting one over on him. Luke didn’t seem like the type of guy who would bet unless he was certain he could win.

“Not gonna happen, babe,” he said, throwing a towel at me, and wrapping one around his own waist. “I got a few things to handle before I leave. Get dressed and I’ll see you in a little while.” He placed a quick kiss on my lips, and was gone.

I was dressed for business in a pair of black, wide-leg trouser pants, a black silk top, and my gold Prada heels to match my gold belt, bangles, and earrings. My hair was secured in a loose bun at the back of my neck and loose tendrils framed my face. My destination was Knox Companies and my goal was to resume my position as CEO. I needed an escape. I needed a distraction, and I was sure there was enough shit there to keep my attention for as long as Luke was gone. A commotion in the other room had me forgetting my appearance, and seeking out the voices I heard. I opened the door a crack, and although I couldn’t see their faces, there was no mistaking Luke and Red’s voices.

“I didn’t say anything, Luke!” Red screeched, in an attempt to cover her ass.

“Yes, you did, but just enough to make her want more, then you shut her down like it was information that was only good enough for your ears. Stop trying to intimidate her. Just because Regg shares shit with you doesn’t mean you can use it against others.” Luke’s voice was so strong and demanding that I actually felt bad for Red.

“I’m not trying to intimidate her. I was just preparing her for your news, because I knew it would come later than it really should. I thought if I let her know something was fixing to happen, she would bug the shit outta you until you gave it up.”

“It is not your fucking place to decide when I tell my fucking business to my fucking girl.”

“Oh, but it was my fucking place to inform her of how you followed her around for years and used your knowledge to persuade her to let you into her pants!”

“Enough!” I jumped at Luke’s roar and felt my own self shrink at his deafening tone. I was sure Red was now a victim of Luke’s death glare, and I silently willed her to shut her mouth. “I asked you to break the news to her, because I couldn’t do it. I needed you to do that for me and you agreed. Not because you were supposed to, or because it was your job, but because you wanted to. Isn’t that what you told me when I decided it was my place to tell her? You practically fucking begged me to let you do it. Why, Red? So you could watch her fall apart? What, do you get some sick satisfaction out of hurting people? From now on, you keep your mouth shut. If Regg shares something with you, you better take it for what it is; a privilege. He trusts you with that shit and has to vent to someone. That’s why you are here. To support this club and my brother. That’s the only fucking reason. You don’t wear a cut. You won’t ever wear a cut, and if I hear you leaking club information again, I’ll cut that fucking ol’ lady patch off your ass and burn it right in front of you. Loose lips sink ships, Red. Don’t make your ol’ man pay for your mistakes. I would hate to lose a brother ‘cause his woman don’t know her fucking place.” I pushed the door closed at the sound of Luke’s feet, and rushed back to the bathroom. I leaned against the counter, letting it support my weight as I let their conversation play over and over in my head. Was Red out to get me? Did she want to see me fail? I looked at my reflection one last time, before I pushed off the counter and let out a deep breath. I needed a drink.