I walked up the stairs, pausing at the top to look down at the empty room that would soon be filled with the faces I loved. I made my way down the hall to join Red, who waited in my room to help me prepare for the first day of the rest of my life.

“Would you hold the fuck still?” Red murmured, the safety pin she held between her teeth impairing her speech.

“Would you put that fucking cigarette out?” I asked, eyeing the cigarette that was wedged between her fingers and dangerously close to the back of my arm. I stood with my arm extended over my head, while Red attempted to pin my dress, which was missing the hook and eye, because her impatience had got the better of her when she had tried to latch it the first time.

“Shut up. I need it to concentrate.” Red said, pausing to take a drag, gracious enough to blow the smoke out of the side of her mouth, other than onto my gown. I had decided to wear my mother’s wedding dress. I wanted to feel as if a part of her was with me as I walked down the aisle. The dress fit perfectly, but I wanted to add my own touch of splendor, so it had been in the hands of Luke’s mother, who I had found was a wonderful seamstress. She removed the long lace sleeves, so that the dress lay perfectly across my chest, using some of the leftover material to make a garter, and the rest she promised to keep-in the event my daughter would like to one day use it on her own wedding gown.

My daughter.

I like how that rolled off my tongue. Luke’s mother and father were happy to see me, welcoming me with open arms the moment I stepped into their home. I could imagine my children running across the hardwood floors of their home, and opening Christmas presents as we celebrated the holidays with their grandparents.

As a family.

Soon, I would be Mrs. Carmical, and I couldn’t fucking wait.

Maddie joined Red and I, her smile bright as she ignored an annoyed Red, and handed me a small box.

“I have something for you.”

“Red?” I asked, anxious to put my arm down and receive Maddie’s gift.

“I’m done.” I watched as she gave Maddie a reassuring squeeze on her arm and a warm smile, before leaving us alone. I took the box from Maddie’s shaking hands, a look of sadness claiming her face, although she tried to shield it with a smile that didn’t reach her tear-filled eyes. I opened the box to reveal a pair of simple, pearl earrings.

“They were my mother’s. I thought you might like something borrowed.” I was speechless, as Maddie pulled them from the box and placed them in my ears. I turned around and immediately became teary eyed, as I found the ghost of my young mother in the mirror. The gown I wore was covered in lace that fit tightly to my curves and covered my feet. The back of the dress swooped in the middle of my back, and curved perfectly over my backside, before spreading out to form a three-foot train. My hair was pinned up, held in place by two beautifully crafted hair combs covered in pearls, a gift from my MC sisters, and now my I wore two perfectly matching pearl earrings; a gift from my blood sister.

“Maddie, they are perfect,” I managed to choke out, overwhelmed by her gift.

“And now, so are you.” I pulled Maddie to me, hugging her tightly, before we were interrupted by something that sounded much like a herd of cattle barreling down the hall.

“Hey!” My infamous group of sisters greeted, as they herded into the room.

“You look beautiful, baby,” Brooklyn said, her eyes shining with unshed tears as she kissed the air around me to avoid staining me with her bright, red lipstick.

“Okay, we gotta see the shoes, sista,” Mary said, looking down at my feet, as I lifted my dress to reveal my bright orange Jimmy Choo stilettos.

“They are so hot!” Katina said, fanning herself with her hand.

“And look extremely uncomfortable,” Katelyn added, with a worried look.

“Girl, hot and comfortable are two of those things you can only have one at a time,” Chi Chi added, giving me a wink.

“You gonna bust your ass and we gonna have to call the paramedics,” Punkin said, the ashes from her cigarette threatening to fall to the floor just any minute. When Katelyn offered her an ashtray, she waved it away, and I laughed.

“Shit! I need something blue!” I said in a panic, causing everyone’s eyes to search the room in the hope of finding something. A knock sounded at the door, and Red pulled it wide open, greeting a grinning Regg with a smile.