I saw Regg leaning against his bike with his arms crossed, smiling that fucking smile and laughing that fucking laugh that I loved so much. He had been with me since we left, but fuck, I missed not talking to him. He sensed me looking at him and looked up at me. He unfolded his arms, tucking one hand in his pocket and throwing the other on the handlebar of his bike. I knew that posture all too well. Regg wasn’t stupid, he knew what was coming.

“You got something you want to say to me, Pres?” he asked, silencing every biker in the lot. Everyone looked at me, shaking their heads and pulling out their wallets.

“Yeah, I do,” I said, taking the stairs two at a time-anxious to get this shit over with. By the time I made it to the ground level, a circle had formed and Coon was gathering money. Regg’s cut was off and his hat turned. I had never been toe to toe with Regg and I was sure that it would get brutal. I had seen the man fight many times, but I wasn’t nervous. I gave him a smirk and pulled my shirt off. This was gonna be fun.

We squared up, Regg being such a gentlemen, I knew he would let me make the first move. Pussy. I threw my hardest right, hoping to connect with his jaw and throw him off balance, but Regg was fast for a big guy and dodged my blow easily, bouncing around like he was a fucking boxer or something. I could see the laughter in his eyes, and I knew no matter how serious this fight got, we would be good after this.

“You swing like a bitch. As a matter of fact, I think your bitch has more skills than you.” While he was running his mouth, I landed two blows to his face, smiling at the blood that oozed from his lip. He was trying to get under my skin. Yeah, that shit didn’t fucking work on me, but it did on him.

“I know your bitch does. Red has all kinds of skills, if you know what I mean,” I said, wagging my eyebrows at him. That big ass smile of his disappeared and the fight was on. Nobody talked about Red. Not even me.

“Good to have you back, brother,” Regg said from beside me. We sat on the concrete steps of the hotel, both of us covered in blood. Mostly his, but to give him credit, he got a few good licks in. “You know I don’t make decisions unless it is for the good of club. I didn’t tell anyone else, because when shit came to a head, I didn’t want anyone else to take the fall for it. It was a stand-alone decision not to tell you and the best one, in my judgment.”

“I know where you are coming from, but that’s my woman, my property and my problem. I won’t allow it to happen again.”

“And it won’t. What happened that day at the hospital? I ain’t trying to get in ya business man, but Dallas is ignorant to all of this. There is no way she knew what was going on. You shouldn’t have said that shit to her,” Regg said, taking that annoying step into my private life. Had it have been anyone else, I would have ended the conversation and walked away, but not only was Regg my Enforcer, he was my best friend.

“I lost it. I didn’t blame her, but shit just wasn’t adding up in my head. I should have made the call to you, but when I saw her- all I could think was that she betrayed me. It had nothing to do with Jeff working for Frankie, it was that she was with Jeff when she should have been with me.” I knew it sounded fucked up to him, because it sounded fucked up to my own ears, but what could I say? I was a possessive man when it came to Dallas.

“So, what you gonna do about Jeff?” Regg asked, silencing his ringing phone without looking at it.

“Nothing I can do. As long as he stays away from Dallas, he lives. If I tried to take out everyone in Frankie’s army, I would spend a lifetime doing it. I won’t make him pay for being with my girl when she wasn’t even mine at the time.” Regg clapped me on the back, proud of the fact that I was once again thinking with my head and not my cock.

“I’m gonna call the ol’ lady then get some shut eye. You better do the same, brother. We have a long ride ahead of us tomorrow.” I nodded my head in agreement, not at all excited about meeting with an old associate in the morning to gain intel on Frankie’s whereabouts. I had a feeling it would be another dead end. I was tired of my club swallowing pride and asking for help. I already owed too many favors to too many people. This one better have something, I was running out of patience.