“Already handled, Pres. Paid Ronnie before he left. He didn’t want to take it, but finally agreed,” Coon answered.

“Good. I want to thank you all again for your support. When you go home tonight, I want you to tell your ol’ ladies, girlfriends, children, employers-anyone who has had to deal with your absence because of my problems, that I appreciate it.”

“That’s club problems,” Worm informed me. “Don’t try to carry all of this alone. It was a club decision to go after Frankie. One we all made together.” Everyone nodded in agreement.

“I appreciate that, but this is no longer a club problem. I made the decision to get the club out of this shit, and as it stands now, we have no problem with Charlie. I want to ask the club’s approval to release Frankie into the custody of Charlie. He will deal with him however he decides. I can’t promise that he will eliminate him, but I can promise that if Frankie tries to fuck with the club again, he will have to answer to Charlie. All in favor of releasing Frankie as club property?” A chorus of “aye” and “yes” filled the room. “All opposed?” Silence fell as the decision to give Frankie to Charlie was made. No opposed. No turning back now. I had my chance to save my girl. I thought I would be happy, but my next order of business played in my head and prevented me from enjoying it, not that I had a doubt my brother’s wouldn’t have agreed. I took a deep breath and braced myself for what was to come.

“I have spoken to Charlie. I told him once the club had voted; I would give him my answer. Frankie is no longer a problem to the Devil’s Renegades. He is now only my problem.” I watched as the eyes of my brother’s widened, they knew what was coming. I stood from the table and removed my cut. I looked at the worn leather and dirty patches that covered it. I had worked hard to earn it, even harder to keep it. I had defended it with my life, and treasured it. It had brought me happiness, heartache and solace. There were memories, both good and bad. Since I was old enough to understand what it stood for, I had desired it. It had been my lifeline and my best friend. I was a better man for wearing it. It had made a man out of me, and in return I had brought it honor and dignity. Now I was letting it go.

“I can’t meet Charlie’s demands as long as I wear this cut. I can’t allow my club to fail at my expense. I knew there was no way any of you would let me ride alone. As my brother’s, you have a responsibility to me, as your President. I refuse to place that burden on you. I am leaving, with Frankie, and I can’t take you with me. I ask that you let me make this decision as a man, and not as your President. I know that if any of you were in my position, you would do the same. As of this moment, I am officially no longer your President, or fellow brother in the Hattiesburg Chapter of the Devil’s Renegades Motorcycle Club.” I laid my cut down before me. It would be the first time in twelve years that it did not belong to me. I was a man full of sorrow and pain. I was a man full of regrets and bad decisions. As I left the room with my head high, unable to look into the faces of the men before me, I was a man that for the first time in my life, stood alone.

It felt wrong riding my Harley without my cut, but I found strength when I felt the vibration in my hands and the roar of pipes in my ears. I was a nobody, an independent. The heavy leather was not there to wear me down, yet it felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. Dallas would be in my arms tomorrow. Just the thought of her molding her body against mine dulled the pain, but it wasn’t enough. I was not whole without Dallas, and I was not whole without my club. I couldn’t live life as half of a man, but to save the woman I loved, I would have to. I didn’t visit any bars, or ride by one of my clubs. The thought of correcting someone because they called me LLC made me sick. Just like my cut, my name had been taken too. I was now just Luke. Vice President of Carmical Construction. Lover to Dallas Knox. Son of William and Karen. Uncle to numerous children. To some, that would have been enough. Well, it wasn’t enough for me.