I knew my girl needed something from me. I could tell by the look in her eyes. It was the same look she gave me every time we made love. I knew how to move inside her to make her come, just like I knew where to place my hands on her to make her throw her head back in that sexy way I loved so much. She teased me about my smirk more than once, but always reassured me it was something she loved about me. I could have looked away, like I really wanted to. I was ashamed that there was nothing I could do to save her. That’s what I did. I protected my girl, yet I only sat there and watched as the most powerful man I knew, drove her away from me.

I got out of bed and made my way through the house, smiling at the children that all rushed me with cries of ‘Uncle Luke!’ The ol’ ladies stood as I walked in, all smiling at me and admiring the way I kissed their children, and made sure to give each one special attention. I made my way to the kitchen, taking them each in my arms and holding them a little longer than necessary. I loved them all for different reasons. Jenn served as a second mother to me, always ensuring I had everything I needed. Juggs had a heart the size of the sun, and had blessed our family with four, healthy babies. Carla was the modest one that kept everyone in line. Luci had the mouth of a sailor, and handled the heat when society made false accusations about us via social media. Baby was a sweet kid that kept to herself, but was down for anything her sisters had to offer. Texas was the one who kept us fed. Her ability to make a meal out of nothing, for a bunch of drunk bikers had saved our lives more than once.

Then, there was my Red. Where Regg sat at my right hand, she had always been there on my left. She picked me up when life got me down. She showed me how to love fiercely. She taught me what family was about when I began to doubt myself. I would never be able to repay her for what she had done for me. She was my friend, my sister and my heart. I walked out of my house, scared to look back at the many lives that I would effect when I announced my decision. Those ol’ ladies were the ones that stood behind their men when the shit got bad. They were what kept this club whole, and I needed them now more than ever.

The bar was lined with men drinking beer and shootin’ the shit when I walked in. Tiny, Regg, Worm, Coon, Octane, Bear, Scratch, Buck, Crash, Kev and Boss Hog-my army. The men who had willingly followed me into possible doom in an effort to capture the man who hurt the woman I loved. Even if it had ended badly, not one of them would have done anything different. Three PROSPECTS stood behind the bar. Marty’s year of prospecting was up, and the others were not too far behind. I knew where Marty’s loyalties lied, and I would be proud to call him brother. Regg noticed me and grabbed a beer and walked towards me.

“Is this gonna be good news, or bad news?” he asked clinking his bottle with mine and taking a pull.

“News,” I said, not able to look him in the eye. Out of all my brothers, I knew this would hurt Regg the most.

“We are ready when you are,” he said, noticing my avoidance and brushing it off. I had been pretty quiet since we had gotten back. I hadn’t shared very much with any of them.

“I’m ready,” I said, turning to walk towards the double doors that led to the table. I took my seat at the head of it, looking around the room at the framed cuts that stood for the fallen.

“Some brave motherfuckers on that wall,” Kev said as he entered, taking his seat towards the end of the table. He watched as I nodded at him, and then continued looking at the shadow boxes that lined the walls. Tiny sat to my right, Worm to my left and I watched as the rest of the Devil’s Renegades took a seat, waiting for me to start.

“My first order of business is Marty. I think it’s only fair that despite the situations that have occurred, that we give him a vote. One no is as good as all no’s.” We went around the table as everyone voiced their opinion on our PROSPECT. Once it got to me, the vote was unanimous. Just like that, Marty became the newest member of the Devil’s Renegades Motorcycle Club. “Next, we need to compensate our Lake Charles boys out of our own funds for coming down and helping out. Coon, where are we at on that?” I asked our Treasurer.