“We have time. When you trust me, and are ready to share your story, I will be here to listen. Let’s just enjoy breakfast for now.” He smiled reassuringly and my automatic response was a smile in return and a nod of my head. Crisis averted, for now.



After breakfast, I went back to my room and curled up in the bed. Charlie had informed me that we would be spending another night due to the weather. The forecast showed thunderstorms for the rest of the day and on into the night. We were under a tornado warning and the power had recently gone out. Luckily, it was just bright enough outside that we didn’t need any flashlights or candles. I found some magazines on the night stand beside my bed and lost myself in them. Keeping up with the latest celebrity drama was a way to escape my own reality. It made me sick though, how people could care that much about one person getting a DUI when there were women, like me, out there that were being held against their will. At least I wasn’t getting gang raped or beaten. I was beginning understand that the only way to keep me sane was to think of the positive things, like having food and water and not being tied up. This abduction was going much better than my first one. I thought I was going to die in that barn, but divine intervention and a group of bikers saved me. Could it happen again?

Lunch went the same way that breakfast did, except this time I couldn’t hide my smile when I saw that Charlie had someone prepare Luke’s “specialty-” ham sandwiches and potato chips.

“Something funny?” Charlie asked, intrigued by my smile.

“No, this looks great. Thank you,” I said, still smiling.

“You are thinking of him again, aren’t you?” My smile faded, but I nodded my head.

“He once told me he was going to fix me his specialty. I was anticipating something great, instead he surprised me with this,” I said, motioning to the plate before me. Why had I told him that? “He told you this was something I liked?” I asked, again not knowing why I was still talking. Charlie took a moment to just stare at me, impassively, before he answered.

“He did. If I had known something as simple as a sandwich would make you think of him, I would have had something else prepared.”

It scared me that the majority of our time together was spent at this table, and each time he found out a little more about me. I would be taking dinner in my room tonight. I didn’t care if it pissed him off or not.

“There is not much that does not remind me of him. I know you want to erase him from my memory, but that is never going to happen. He is a part of me,” I said, picking my sandwich up and taking a bite, hoping it would be enough to convince him that I was tired of talking.

“What would you do to see him again?”

The question was loaded, and I knew that I had to choose my answer wisely. The word ‘anything’ came to mind, but a man like Charlie took that word to heart. I didn’t want to owe him. I didn’t want Luke to owe him. I would rather spend the rest of my days on Earth with him than know that Luke would constantly have to look over his shoulder.

“I won’t answer that question.”

“Would you kill for him?” he asked, undeterred by my remark. I threw my napkin onto my uneaten plate of food.

“Do you care to elaborate?” I asked, in a bitchy tone. He was getting on my nerves with these mind games.

“It is just a question, Dallas. There is no reason to get so upset. Would you kill for him?” His repeated question struck a nerve with me.

“I would give my life for him, which is exactly what I am doing. That is the ultimate sacrifice,” I snapped.

“No, it is not. Taking the life of someone is a greater sacrifice than giving your own for someone you love. You gave up the life you once had for Maddie, not for Luke.” I stared at his calm, collected posture. This was some kind of test.

“What are you getting at, Charlie?” I asked, completely exasperated. He smiled at me, knowing he had struck a nerve, and enjoying the flicker of hope he saw in my eyes.

“You obviously are not happy here. I think I could change that. As much as I want you here with me, I am a fair man and I am willing to give you a chance to get your old life back. I’m not convinced that Luke deserves you. If there is something you would like to share with me to prove Luke is worthy, now is the time.” I knew he was talking about the shit with Frankie, and Maddie. He might let me go, but there was something in it for him. Before I got my hopes up, I would find out just what that something was.