“You look absolutely radiant this morning, Dallas. Please, join me.” I smiled at Charlie as he pulled my chair out for me at the dining room table. “What would you like to eat this morning? I have a little of everything.”

Without meaning to, my mind drifted back to the time when Regg had ordered room service for me and Lindsey after a drunken night in a bar. He and a PROSPECT had taken us to a nearby hotel on their motorcycles. He had gone all out and ordered everything on the menu for us. That was another time that I had pushed Luke away. I had been so stupid.


Charlie had been talking to me, and I wasn’t even listening. Shit. I did not want to piss him off this early in the day. I would be working for months trying to make up for my actions from last night.

“I’m sorry. My mind is just a little fuzzy. This is all very new to me.” I smiled apologetically and that seemed to be enough to satisfy him.

“It’s fine. You will become accustomed. I can assure you of that.” His comment made me wonder how many other people he had done this to. I took a deep breath in an attempt to clear my head of thoughts of Luke. I had done a pretty good job so far at keeping thoughts of him at bay. It hurt too much, and right now, I had something I needed to do.

“I would like some oatmeal, please. If you have it.”

He passed me a white ceramic bowl filled with oatmeal, apples and walnuts. My favorite.

“I took the liberty of asking Luke about things that you liked and enjoyed.” The mention of Luke’s name out of his mouth almost made me drop the bowl that I was holding. “I thought I could prevent another outburst from you, if you knew that Luke was aware of your well-being. It also helps to ensure him that I have kept my word, once again. He was more than willing to tell me your clothing size, the type of makeup you wore, and even what you preferred for breakfast.”

I was speechless. He had talked to Luke. When? How was he? I knew these were questions that I could not ask, but I needed to know that he was okay. I also didn’t like the way that he said Luke’s name. I didn’t feel like he was worthy to breathe it.

“Please don’t talk about him in front of me,” I said, looking at him, pleading with my eyes. I couldn’t handle it. Knowing he had heard Luke’s beautiful voice and was torturing him with thoughts of me, made me want to rip my own heart out of my chest. My choice of words seemed to surprise Charlie.

“You love him? Even after what he did?” he asked, dubiously. He just didn’t get it.

“Yes,” I whispered, tears welling in my eyes. “I love him very much.”

“He didn’t choose you, Dallas.” His eyes penetrated me, trying to understand how I could love him.

“I told him to choose Maddie.”


“She has a child,” I replied, noncommittally. That wasn’t a complete lie.

“You are lying to me,” he said, matter of fact.

“About her having a child?” I asked, now confused at the turn this conversation had taken.

“About why you told him to choose her. Don’t play games with me, Dallas. Why did you tell Luke to choose her?”

I played with my oatmeal, swirling my spoon around the bowl. I kept my head down whispering my answer, “She is my sister.”

“Your sister? Look at me, Dallas.” My head shot up at his commanding voice and I saw him staring at me, his head slightly turned to one side. “I don’t quite understand. You are telling me that this woman, Maddie, the daughter of Frankie the Cutter is your sister?” His question didn’t really sound like a question at all. It sounded more like an unbelieving statement.

“Step daughter, and yes. She is my sister,” I confirmed.

“Will you please tell me the story? I can find it out with a single phone call, but I would like to hear it from you.” I stared at him, wondering whether my sharing this story would benefit me or not. He seemed genuinely interested to hear it, but I didn’t feel right talking about my family with him.

“Maybe one day, but with all due respect, I’m really not up for reliving it right now.” He nodded his head in understanding.

“You are talking about your kidnapping experience with Frankie.” My eyes widened at his words. How did he know about that? I took a sip of water and straightened my posture before answering him.

“Yes. As crazy as it may sound, this particular situation-me being here with you, is only one of the many life altering events I have experienced in the past few months of my life.” My voice was stronger than I expected and in no way reflected the way I felt on the inside.