“May I please be excused?” I asked Charlie, keeping my head down so that I wouldn’t have to look at his face which would certainly be smug.

“Of course.”

I stood from the table, wishing I had the strength to flip it over on him. “Dallas.” I turned at the sound of his voice, unable to avoid looking at him. I didn’t want him to see my defeated look, but he drew me in with his one worded demand. “You look beautiful in satin. It suits you.” My stomach turned at his comment. I didn’t need compliments from this man. He made me sick, but I managed a smile.

“Thank you. Madeline offered it to me. Please thank her for me, if I don’t get a chance to.” I was back to acting and it bothered me how good I was getting at it.

“Madeline will be well rewarded for her show of kindness and her services. Good night, Dallas.”

“Good night.” I walked to my room, everything I passed turned to a blur as my eyes filled with tears. I collapsed on my knees beside the bed and for the first time in a long time, I prayed. I prayed for the safety of my family. I prayed for the strength to endure whatever Charlie offered me, and I prayed for forgiveness. I was going to kill Charlie Lott. An eternity in hell would be heaven compared to what I was living in now.

Morning came and I opened my eyes to find the weather outside was terrible. Lightening bolted and thunder crackled while rain poured from of the sky. On the floor beside my bed, I saw several shopping bags from Macy’s. Who in the hell had time to go to Macy’s? I figured a man like Charlie Lott had connections everywhere. He probably called the CEO and had him open the store, personally, just so he could have one of his goons shop for me. I climbed out of bed, feeling slightly sore but much better than yesterday. I didn’t care what was in the bags. I had no desire to dress or bathe or even brush my hair for this man, but I hauled the bags onto the bed anyway and began opening them.

It was too weird that Charlie knew so much about me. The clothing was removed of all the tags, freshly laundered and looked like it would fit me perfectly. He even had makeup and shoes purchased that resembled the things that I owned back home. Well, that I used to own. Maddie had them now. The thought of Maddie, safe, at home with Logan, made me smile. A soft tap on the door pulled me from my thoughts. Charlie didn’t barge through the door or wait for me to answer. It’s like he knew that I was already awake and going through the things he had bought for me.

“Good Morning, Dallas. You will find everything you need in the bags in front of you. When you are dressed, I have breakfast waiting.” If he was waiting on an answer, he would be waiting a while. I didn’t feel like talking right now. I almost faked an illness, so I could stay in my room all day, but I was afraid he would send Madeline to give me a sponge bath or some other shit and I really didn’t want that.

There were no jogging pants in these bags; no shorts or jeans and not even a pair of flip flops. There were only skirts and blouses and dresses. Things I would wear to work. The shoes were all heels and in boring colors, which made me smile. He didn’t know as much about me as he thought. I chose a black, three quarter sleeved sheath dress that stopped just above my knees and a pair of black heels. I fixed my hair, letting it fall in its natural waves down my back. I kept my makeup light, and rolled my eyes at the perfume that I pulled from the bag of cosmetics. In no way would I wear perfume for this man. The awful smelling rose scented lotion still clung to my skin and I hoped it was as repulsive to Charlie as it was to me.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, my eyes landing on the diamond motorcycle charm that dangled from the gold chain around my neck. I brought it to my lips and kissed it, closing my eyes, wishing Luke had something of mine to remember me by. I was sure that he would find something when he went to my house, but it would have meant so much more to him if I had given it to him, personally. Luke would find happiness again one day. I was certain that in time, I would become a memory. My heart clenched at the thought of him spending the rest of his life with another woman. All I could hope for was that she was good to him. I knew Red wouldn’t let him settle for just anyone. I could trust her in that department. If anyone wanted into Luke’s heart, they would have to go through her. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I couldn’t believe I was actually standing here, thinking about him with someone else. It was me that he belonged with. At least he wouldn’t have to worry about Charlie anymore. I would make sure that everyone knew it was me that took his life so that the club wouldn’t suffer. I didn’t know who would take over Charlie’s place when he died, but I was sure a man with an empire like his, had to have a ranking army behind him. I gave the charm a final kiss and tucked it inside my dress; I would take a little piece of Luke with me everywhere I went.