I wanted to throw up at his words. They tried to take Luke’s cut and he refused, that was why they had beaten him so badly. I was wondering what in the hell Charlie meant when he said that he made him fight for it.

“But, when he had the chance to save you, he didn’t. He chose another woman over you, Dallas. He didn’t even bat an eyelash when he said her name. I saved you, Dallas, from living a life playing second string to a bunch of other women. You are classy, sophisticated and mature. I want you by my side and you might not realize it today, tomorrow or even this year, but eventually, you will realize that he made the right choice. You belong here with me, not with a bunch of trashy bikers who will settle for a life driving beat up minivans and raising six bastard children, that will in turn continue their pathetic legacy. They are beneath us now. I have brought you out on top, and one day you will thank me for it.” He straightened in his chair, obviously talking about the club put him in a frenzy and he didn’t like it when he lost control. I didn’t like it when he spoke about the club like that. Julia Roberts could keep her fucking job.

“Let me tell you something, you pathetic, useless, egotistical, self-righteous, pompous son of a bitch,” I said rising from the table and glaring at him. This would probably not end well, but fuck it. At this point, I had nothing to lose. “I know about having money. I could buy this house and a hundred thousand more like it and not put a dent in my accounts. I own over six hundred million dollars’ worth of property that range from Georgia to Louisiana and everywhere in between. I employ hundreds of people that respect and fear me so much that when I walk in a room, I can silence it with a single look. I don’t have to use physical force or violence to take what I want. I simply write a fucking check. Those trashy people you are referring to, just so happen to be my family. They have something you never will, and that’s me. I will never belong to you and we are not the same. I am human, you are a sick, sadistic being who is nothing more than a waste of air.” My fingernails dug into my palms as I clenched my fists. My shoulders rose and fell in a heavy rhythm as my breathing accelerated with every word. At some point during my speech, I had spit on his face and he now sat calmly, wiping it with his napkin. He was not at all fazed by my outburst and seemed just as calm as he had when I entered the room.

“I suggest you eat your food, Dallas. I understand that you are upset and I will consider forgiving you for your little temper tantrum due to the events you have dealt with today. I don’t care that you had money, although I would be lying if I said I was not disappointed in myself for not doing proper research on you. Whatever you had before, you don’t have now. Now, you have nothing, only me. You will become dependent on me. You will soon find comfort in my presence and when I am away from you, you will miss me. I am the only person that controls what happens to you.”

He was sitting casually in the dining room chair. His legs were crossed and his hands laid on his knees while his elbows rested on the arms of the chair. If looks could kill, he would have died a thousand deaths from my glare.

“Sit down, Dallas. Now.” His tone was so cold and demanding that even in my state of rage, my ass obediently sat in the chair. “I have built my reputation off of my word. There are people who have died for simply not trusting me. If I say I am going to do something, I follow thru. If I say I won’t do something, then you be assured, beyond a shadow of a doubt that I won’t. I gave my word to Luke that I wouldn’t hurt you. I gave my word that you would be safe, but don’t take advantage of that, Dallas. I never agreed to not hurt Luke. I will hurt him if that is what it takes to get your attention.” My angered faded, and the hard shield that I wore crumbled. Charlie was right. Anything I did would hurt Luke. I was in hell and there was nothing I could do about it.

I picked at my food, managing to choke half of it down. I was sure it was delicious, but just like the rest of me, my taste buds were numb. My plan to escape had been crushed when I realized that no matter where I went, Luke would suffer for my leaving.