We walked out of the bathroom that adjoined what would be my bedroom for the night. Madeline carried my dirty clothes with her, and I didn’t care what she was planning to do with them, just as long as she left. My room had a full sized, gold framed bed covered in a floral bedspread and throw pillows. An old vanity table and a small night stand were the only other things in the tiny room. I couldn’t wait to lie down in the bed and lose myself in sleep, but Charlie and I had dinner plans.

In the dining room, lit candles and food covered the table in a beautiful spread. Food was the last thing on my mind, but Charlie was standing by the table waiting for me, so I had no choice but to go over and take a seat. Like a gentleman, he pulled the chair away from the table for me and laid the thick, cloth napkin in my lap once I was seated. His excessive niceness was starting to annoy me. Why was he acting like this?

“I hope your bath was enjoyable,” he said, smiling at me from the head of the table. He had seated me to his right which put me a little closer to him than I wanted to be. Julia Roberts. Julia Roberts.

“It was, thank you. Madeline was a huge help. It was nice having her there. Sometimes, I’m a little modest. That is the reason that I was uncomfortable at first. I didn’t mean to offend you by not accepting her services. I apologize.” I smiled warmly at him and waited for the crowd to cheer as I saw the pride dancing in his eyes. I was clearly acting as he thought I should.

“Please, eat up. I have decided that your behavior today has proven to be more than satisfactory. For that, I am going to give you something in return.” I almost jumped out of my seat at his words. He was going to let me call Luke, or maybe even see Luke. I couldn’t believe my luck! I was right! I had played his little game and now it would be used to my advantage. Tears burned the back of my eyes at the thought of hearing Luke’s voice. “Would you like to hear what it is?” I beamed at him, wearing a smile I knew had an effect on anyone who had ever encountered it.

“Yes, please.” The excitement in my voice must have been contagious, because Charlie laughed then looked at Jasper, who smiled also.

“Instead of taking you to your new home tomorrow, I have decided to take you to Mexico where I can show you off. I will buy you all the most exclusive, expensive bikinis the world has to offer. You can sunbathe, and drink piña coladas and just relax for a while. It’s a little generous, but I believe you have earned it.” I watched in disgust as he smiled at me, taking a bite of red meat and chasing it with a sip of wine.

“I don’t want to go to Mexico,” I said, my voice just above a whisper. Instantly the warmth seeped from his eyes and his voice became hard as he continued eating, taking bigger gulps of wine than necessary.

“Of course you do. It will be a new experience. One of many you will have while you are with me.”

“I have had experiences. In Mexico. I don’t want to go back,” I said, my shoulders now slouched and my excitement gone. I stared at him expectantly. Surely he didn’t think this was something I wanted.

“Dallas, you are being very unappreciative and I don’t like it. I have offered to take you to Mexico. It doesn’t matter why, or that you have been there before. Just my offering to take you should be enough. The correct way to respond to that would be to thank me and consider this a lesson that if you conduct yourself in a manner I find appropriate, you will be rewarded.”

I stared at him, my mouth now hanging open. He was out of his fucking mind. When he dropped the silverware loudly on his plate, I jumped.

“What did you think you would be receiving? Tell me. Your eyes lit up like Christmas when I mentioned rewarding you, so there must be something that you were expecting. What was it?” I shook my head, unable to find words. He was growing angry and I knew he was capable of anything.

“Tell me,” he barked, banging his fist on the table.

“I-I thought you would let me call Luke,” I stuttered. My heart beat roughly in my chest awaiting his reaction.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Dallas. There is no point in giving any man false hope. He made his decision and it wasn’t you. He fought off four of my best men protecting that stupid piece of leather that he wore on his back. It took them a while to finally wear him down, and even then he refused to block the blows to his face, just so he could hold onto it.”