“Sounds like you and your club have a lot of problems,” he said, taking a puff from his cigar. I didn’t answer, because his question was rhetorical. I knew when to keep my mouth shut. If I didn’t, he would make me look like an ass in front of my club, and I didn’t like that shit.

“This is what I can do. I’ll tell you where you can find Frankie, and in return, you give me Dallas.” The hair on the back of my neck stood up and I could feel the air shift around me.

“That ain’t gonna happen,” I said, wondering if I moved my stance fast enough could I put a bullet in his skull before the sniper could retrain his sights on me.

“I think that’s a fair trade. If Frankie leaves, your problems go away. Does some woman mean more to you than your club?” He was testing me. Calm down, Luke. He is just seeing how far he can push you.

“My family is what I want to protect. That includes my club and my woman. I’m not separating the two. They are one in the same.” Charlie nodded his head and looked at the black man smiling.

“I always liked this guy. He would have your job, if he would have stuck around.” The man didn’t say anything. Just kept his eyes trained on me. Charlie met me with his piercing stare once again. His eyes were cold and lifeless. “Frankie is back in your hometown. His guys are taking over your club house and your home right now. They have nine women tied up in your living room. Two of your men are being held at gunpoint in your club house. There were ten women, but one left before they got there. By the look on the man to your left’s face, I would say it was his wife that managed to get away. Every woman there belongs to a man behind you, except for sweet Maddie. You all have something to lose and I have something to gain.”

My mind tried to tell me that he was fucking with me, but my gut knew he was telling the truth. This man had my family captured and I didn’t know why. Two brothers, Dallas, and my sisters were being held hostage, probably scared out of their minds, and I couldn’t do anything about it.

“What do you want?” I asked, tired of playing his bullshit game.

“I want to own something of yours. I want to have it to treasure and hold. I want to be able to look at something every day that reminds me of you,” he said, talking in riddles just to put me even more on the edge.


“Because I can. I don’t like being told no, Luke, and you are the only man I have let live that has.”

“You can have me,” I said without hesitation. I heard feet shuffle behind me and held my hand up to tell everyone to stay where they were.

“You had your chance. I want you to wake up every day for the rest of your life and know that I own you.”

His words cut me deep, and I knew there was no getting out of this. Someone was going to get hurt, and I prayed like hell that it would be me.

“Hang on, Luke. My cell is ringing. Hello?”

I watched as he answered the phone and talked to the person on the other end as if it was a normal, daily conversation. I turned my head to look at my brothers. They stood tall, with faces of stone. Not one gave the slightest hint of the turmoil that was going on inside all of them, just as it was for me. They were waiting on my cue, ready to die to save their own.

“Well, the decision has been made. As promised, Luke you can have Frankie. Everyone is alive and well. They are being held hostage. Once my men have gathered what belongs to me, they will release them and turn Frankie over. If you follow this road, you will find a cabin at the end. You can stay the night there. When my package is delivered, you can leave.” He turned and got back in the SUV, leaving us standing there with nothing. When he was gone, I turned to see everyone still in the same position as when we pulled up.

“Snipers and cameras are around. Get them on the phone, now,” I growled. There was no point in calling Dallas; I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that they had taken her. When the phones were connected, you could hear the women screaming and I closed my eyes, thanking God that they were okay. Ronnie was on the phone with a brother from Lake Charles getting the rundown on what took place. I turned and walked away from them, brainstorming about our next plan of action.