I wanted to say so much. I wanted to tell her that I didn’t need anyone convincing me that Luke loved me. I knew that he did. I knew he fucked up and I knew that he was forgiven. I didn’t want to be without Luke. Instead of saying these things, I nodded my head in agreement. I wished that I could take those words back. Luke was already living with the fact that another man had put his hands on me and he wasn’t there. I didn’t have to tell him that I screamed for him. I could only imagine what he must have felt. Not many people have to live with something like that, and Luke had dealt with it twice.

“Drink up,” Brooklyn said, clinking her bottle against my full glass. “I’m leaving in the morning and I want to be shitty tonight. We will flip a quarter when we leave; heads I drive, tails you do.” Shit.

Chapter 12


I had been without Dallas for seven full days. That’s over one hundred and sixty-eight hours since I had touched her soft skin or smelled her sweet pussy, not that I was counting. My cock twitched just at the thought of her. It would be another night with Rosie Palm and a cold shower. Our search for War had ended up with nothing. I was beginning to think that my brother was dead. Another death was not something that I wanted to deal with. Everyone kept telling me to stay positive, but I wasn’t stupid. He was gone; his bike chopped up and sold to the highest bidder. There would be no finding him. It was a search that was fucking pointless, but something we had to do. I wouldn’t stop until I found something. We were getting closer to Frankie, maybe we could beat the whereabouts of War out of him, but it didn’t seem likely. He would fucking suffer for the blood that he had spilled.

None of the guys could stand to be around me anymore. The cheap ass hotel that we were staying in didn’t have enough rooms for all of us, so we were doubling up. Crash was stuck with me and he wasn’t happy about it. I still had to keep my cool around him. I don’t like people touching my girl, and his hand fit just a little too perfect in hers for my liking. I stripped down and stepped into the shower. I put my hands on the cheap tiles and let the cold water beat down my back. I was fucking up. My club was becoming suspicious of my actions and I knew there was talk about whether or not I could keep my shit together. I hadn’t spoken to Regg since we left, and my pride wouldn’t allow me do it now. He was my brother; one of my best brothers. He was my right hand man, the one that answered only to me, and now I felt like I couldn’t trust him. He was wrong for keeping shit from me, but I knew why he did it. He was fucking right. I would have murdered Jeff and anyone else that stood in my way.

Fuck, I missed Dallas. I was a pussy whooped little bitch and I didn’t care. I was dead inside until she came into my life and at every opportunity to fuck it up, I did. Red was probably the only reason that she even spoke to me anymore. I slammed my fist into the tiles, welcoming the pain that shot up my arm. I had to get my shit together. First, I would fix my club. Second, I would find Frankie and remove him from this world, and third, I would go home to Dallas and fix my fuck-ups.

I got out of the shower with new goals in mind and more focused than I had been in months. This was my job. My brothers looked to me for guidance and if I couldn’t give it to them, then it was time to pass the gavel. I worked too fucking hard to get this club where it is, and I would be damned before I let my actions ruin it. I had to do something fast, before I lost the respect of my brothers. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that I could handle the pressure. I wasn’t scared and I put my heart into everything I did. It was the smart decisions and rational thinking that got me where I am and that’s what the club felt that I had been lacking here lately. It was time to clear my mind and focus on what was important and what I could control right now. My cock would have to wait.

The guys stood around outside the hotel, smoking and drinking, getting ready to call it a night. No one was allowed to drink more than the legal limit. The last thing we needed was to get a call and have to leave and someone get a DUI, or be too fucked up on a ride. I implemented the rule the day that I got the gavel. When we rode, I needed soldiers, not drunks who couldn’t keep the rubber down.