“Apparently, my ex-boyfriend, Jeff, is friends or some shit with Frankie,” I said, ready to elaborate further, but was cut off by Luci.

“Oh, they ain’t friends. Jeff works for Frankie. He is some kind of computer genius and helps Frankie do some illegal money laundering shit. From what I hear, Jeff had no idea about your history with Frankie.”

“Frankie knew what he was doing,” Baby said. It was the first time that she had spoken and her voice sounded squeaky compared to everyone else. She seemed small and mouse like, but was very pretty. I wondered if she was still interested in a job.

“Well, you all know that Regg was on Dallas at that time, figuratively speaking of course,” Red said, holding the platter of pancakes in her hand and giving me a look. I raised my eyebrow at her, knowing she was sending me some kind of warning. It took everything I had not to smile. I had Luke, there was no way I would give him up for anyone, even the oh so charming Regg. She broke the stare and passed the platter to Carla across the table and continued, “Regg said that he didn’t say anything to Luke because he had the situation handled and he didn’t want Luke losing his shit and doing something that would in turn, hurt the club.” Everyone nodded and mumbled with full mouths in agreement. It was obvious that Luke was known for his temper.

“So, Luke has done this before?” I asked, suddenly not hungry. I remembered the time that Red told me, “the next girl that broke his heart would eat through a straw.” Did he hurt someone else over a woman that broke his heart?

Red shook her head, trying to swallow her food quickly, like she was anxious to speak, probably afraid someone would butt in. “Not over a woman. He dated this one chick, but we all hated her. Not that we particularly liked you in the beginning, but you grew on us.” Well, that was reassuring. “Luke has been in love with you for a while. Everyone knew it. It almost killed him to come back here and run shit. He would call Regg everyday checking in. It was easier for Regg to tell him you weren’t seeing anyone. We all knew you weren’t very happy. If you were, you would have taken the guy out more places or spent more time with him. It seemed like when you were drunk was the only time you even called for his company.” I blushed, embarrassed that everyone at this table knew when I had sex. “Oh don’t be shy about it. Jeff was hot,” Red said, taking a bite of bacon.

“So, let me get this straight. You all knew about me? Everything I did? Everywhere I went?” I asked, feeling like I might vomit all over the table.

“Honey, you are the most unobservant person on the planet. Kev hated when you went shopping, and since I love shopping, we were nominated to go,” Jenn informed me. Dangling her wristbands in front of me-a purchase made from a boutique that I frequented.

“I started to anonymously send you spa gifts so we could all go enjoy the day, but Luke has connections there so we couldn’t.” Texas said, in between bites of toast.

“We all vicariously lived through you. It was kinda fun, but it’s more fun having you here with us,” Red said, placing a hand on mine.

“Does anyone else at this table find this the least bit fucked up?” I asked, taking turns looking at all of them.

“I think it’s fucked up,” Brooklyn agreed, pulling a flask from her purse and pouring what I assumed was vodka into her orange juice.

“Well, I didn’t even know you existed. Buck doesn’t tell me anything,” Baby squeaked, her lower lip stuck out in an exaggerated pout.

“That’s just to protect you. You would have fan girled on her,” Jenn said, putting a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Just like I did that night in Shenanigans,” she said pretending to choke on her drink, then throwing her face in her hands in a dramatic gesture, just as she had done when I first met her. “You are Dallas Knox? I had no idea!” The table burst with laughter, and it even made me smile a little.

“Now do you see why I fucking hate you so much?” The laughter stopped as every eye in the room fell on Maddie. “You stole my life, my father and now my family.”

“Maddie,“ Red said reaching her hand across the small table to her. Maddie jerked it back.

“Shut up, Red. I’m tired of you always defending her. I’ll say whatever the fuck I want.” Red bit her lip and pulled her hand back, I could tell she was trying to keep her mouth shut; not something Red was very good at. “You come in here acting like the damsel in distress, falling out and crying over shit. You don’t know what life is really like. You have been pampered your whole fucking life, and now you want to come in my world and play fucking house? After you have taken everything from me, you want to take all I have left?”