“I’m not worried about Frankie, babe. I’m fighting to keep you. I fucked up, Dallas. I fucked up bad and I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. I’ll prove it to you.” Luke’s look was already defeated. He was afraid he had lost me and I was too, but I couldn’t stay mad at him forever. So he lost his temper, screamed at me, accused me of doing the unthinkable and used a little too much physical force when escorting me to the elevator. To a normal person, that was grounds for a break-up, but I had recently discovered that I was not normal.

“I want to tell you something. Not to defend myself, because what I did was inexcusable, but because I want you to know how important you are to me and how much I trust you and want you in my life.” Now he had my attention. I crawled up on the bed next to him and slid under the covers. His body was warm and the only thing separating us was his thin boxer briefs. His thickness pressed against my ass as he pulled me to him. One arm snaked around my waist and I laid my head on the other.

“My club has done some bad shit, Dallas. At one time, I thought that was the life that I wanted to live. After Logan was born, I realized that I wanted something different for my family. The people that belong to this club deserve more than what we had to offer them, so I made it my goal to better it. I know that we will never be outstanding citizens or meet the standards that society thinks we should, but I want us to be a family that takes care of our own and does so in a way that one day my kids can look back and be proud of the decisions that I have made. I want to leave behind a legacy that my grandchildren can carry on. I’m almost there, babe. The drugs, the money, the guns-I don’t like it. It’s poison. Security and legit businesses and clean records-that’s my goal. I’m gonna take care of Frankie, Dallas. I’m gonna send him to a place where he will never be able to hurt you again. To do that, I have to reach down and bring out that guy that I have sworn I would never be again. I’m not perfect and I never will be, but if you will stick by me, I promise to give you a life that you never dreamed possible. With me comes a family that will give their own lives to save yours. I don’t want to be the guy that I was today, but the truth is, that’s who I am. You make me want to be a better person.”

My eyes burned with tears. Luke was not a good guy. I had known that from the beginning, but there was still good in him and it by far outweighed the bad.

“Who is Logan’s father?” I asked, wondering if he was okay with Luke being around his child.

“He’s not around,” Luke said, rubbing his thumb across my stomach.

“Where is he?” I pushed, hoping I could get a little more insight on my nephew.

“That’s not important. What’s important is that Logan and Maddie are safe and Logan has ten father figures, instead of just one.”

“Did you kill him?”

Luke’s hand stilled while he pondered what to say. When his thumb started rubbing my stomach again he spoke, “No.”

“Are you going to kill Frankie?”

“I am gonna take care of Frankie.”

“Does that mean you’re gonna kill him?”

“That means, even if I did, I would never tell you. That makes you an accessory. I’m gonna take care of Frankie to keep you safe, just like I took care of Brett to make sure Maddie and Logan were safe. That’s what I do. I take care of my family.”

“Did this Brett guy hurt them?” I asked, scared of the answer.

“He didn’t take care of his family, so I did. That’s all you need to know.”

“She is my sister. I have a right to know.”

“Then she can tell you. I’m asking you to not mention him to her, because it takes her to a dark place.” I could tell Luke didn’t want to talk about it anymore and it was getting late. As much as I wanted to ask questions, sleep was beginning to take me over. I would ask Red about Maddie. Maybe she would be able to enlighten me on her situation. Luke pulled me tighter to him and kissed my head.

“I love you, baby. I miss you already,” Luke whispered in my ear. I should have responded, but I only managed to nod my head. What a fool I was for not telling him I loved him, it could have been my last chance.