I had to call Dallas’s cell three times before she finally answered.

“Hello,” She said, her voice thick with sleep or emotion, I wasn’t sure which.

“Hey hun, how’s it goin’?”

“I’m good. Just got through eating. How are you?”

I could hear the bed move and I figured that she was getting up to go somewhere a little more private.

“I’m fine. Worm told Luci what happened. She called me, so I’m calling you. Tell me your side.” No need to beat around the bush about anything.

“I’m so fucking confused, Red. It’s like my whole life has been set up for me. I don’t know what’s real and what’s not, ya know? I mean, the only reason Luke is in my life, is because he was hired to be. The only reason Jeff was in my life, was because Frankie wanted info on me, and the people that I thought loved me, like Stacy, turned out to be backstabbing, money hungry, murderers. I just want to go back to normal. I want to go back to a time where if there were people watching me and trying to kill me, I didn’t know it.” Her voice was barely a whisper. I felt her pain. Hell, I thought I had a shit life.

“Look, they’re leaving in the morning, before sunrise. I’ll be there before they leave. They’ll be gone and we will spend the next few days doing whatever we want. I’ll handle Luke. You just get some sleep and starting tomorrow, things will get better.”

Regg was shaking his head in warning at me from across the room. I gave him the finger and turned my back to him. Dallas deserved a true friend and some time to process this. If that meant us going out on the town with five bodyguards, then that’s exactly what we were going to do.

“Thanks Red, but before this goes any further, is your friendship genuine? I mean, is anyone paying you to hang out with me, or are you secretly trying to kill me or dig up dirt on me?” she asked exasperated. I figured no matter what I said at this point, she wouldn’t believe me anyway, so I lied.

“No, Dallas. Our friendship is genuine. I’m coming because I want to, not because I have to.”

“See you tomorrow,” she said, almost in defeat. I disconnected the call and turned to see Regg smiling at me.

“My baby is such a good liar. It actually kinda scares me,” he said, walking slowly up to me.

“I’m not lying. I do want to go visit her,” I said in my defense, trying to stay focused on his face and not the bulge in his pants. Shit. How did he manage to do this to me?

“You have to go. I remember you throwing a fit a few minutes ago because you didn’t want to and Luke talked you into it.”

“I really do want to go.” And I did. Hanging with Dallas might actually be fun. Even more so, now that the guys were going out of town.

“I’m gonna miss you, baby,” Regg said as he wrapped my long hair around his wrist and pulled me to him.

“Then I better give you something to help you remember what you have at home,” I said, squeezing his crotch roughly. He grunted in my mouth, tightening his hold on my hair.

“It’s only you, baby. Only you.”


“I’m not sure if I should hate you or not right now. I just need some space to think.” I was walking out of the bathroom and I felt like it was as good a time as any to go ahead and let Luke know how I felt. My conversation with Red had been a short one. I really didn’t want to answer when she called, but the damn phone kept ringing. I couldn’t trust her any more than I could trust any of the others.

“I’m sorry about earlier. I snapped. There is no excuse, but when I got a message that said ‘Dallas’ Jeff’, I kind of lost it. Regg never told me about him. I’m sure he had his reasons, but it probably would have been best if I had known. I know you have been with other men, but to know how close you came to Frankie does something to me.”

“Well, if you remember I have been close to Frankie. Very close.” Low blow, Dallas, but I didn’t care. Luke nodded his head, understanding my hurtful comment and took it on the chin without any complaint. He knew that he deserved it.

“I know you want some space, but I’m leaving in a few hours and I would just like to hold you. It helps to remind me what I’m fighting for.”

“You don’t have to fight for me, Luke. Frankie will eventually go away. I can call the cops and get a restraining order. I can hire security. I don’t need you or your club putting your neck out for me. I can handle shit on my own,” I said, standing at the foot of the bed debating whether or not I should sleep with him or on the couch. Luke shook his head and gave me a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.