“Do you have any idea what kind of shit storm you’ve created?” I stood in front of Regg, my hands on my hips wearing nothing but his favorite bra and panty set. Regg had a thing for neon colors against tan skin and it was taking everything he had to focus on my face and not the tops of my breasts.

“What the fuck did you want me to do, baby? Tell Luke that the guy fucking the girl that he branded years ago without anyone’s knowledge was in bed with Frankie? I’m not a fucking idiot. Luke would have killed him the moment he found out.”

“Well, no shit. That would have worked out better than this!” I yelled, throwing my hands in the air. Regg stepped closer to me, warning me with his body language and giving me that ‘shut the fuck up’ look. I knew when to keep my mouth shut, but today I felt like pushing my limits. Fights like this often ended up with me on my back anyway, so I didn’t have much to lose. “Luci called me last night and told me Luke scared the shit out of Dallas. She was bawling when they left the hospital and Luke didn’t even go to the meet tonight, scared that if he left her side, she would bolt. How do you figure that’s better than killing Jeff and Frankie?” Our guys were not murderers. Well, I didn’t think they were murderers. They had guns and shit, but as far I knew pulling the trigger on someone was not something they did. They often talked about ‘killing’ people, but it was just a figure of speech. At the most, Luke would have beat him into hospitalization, and he most definitely deserved that.

“Luke has done a lot for this club. He has worked hard to get it legit and I won’t let him ruin it over a piece of ass. I took Luke’s job looking out for Dallas because he couldn’t. I did whatever the fuck I had to do. In no way was Jeff a threat to Dallas. He never involved her in anything and Frankie never got close to her. When things started getting serious with him, I arranged for him to be caught with another woman. I knew Dallas couldn’t handle the blow to her ego and would let him go. She did, he’s gone, she is with Luke and everyone is alive and the club didn’t take a hit because Luke was thinking with his dick and not his brain. So, before you start popping your fucking gums at me, you need to realize your place. This is not your business, and I’ll only tell you once to shut you fucking mouth. The subject is closed.” Regg was pissed. He was so mad that his face was red and he was struggling to contain his anger.

Me? I was soaking wet. There was something about the way he dominated me; the way he seemed to make me feel small and submissive that just turned me on. Even with his blonde hair a mess, his eyes red with dark circles under them, and his clothes dusty from riding hours nonstop looking for the men that kidnapped me, he was fucking mouthwatering.

Regg is not your typical biker. Most people picture them with long hair, tattoos and a dark personality. Not my Regg. He has blonde hair that’s just long enough to stick out the sides of his cap, a panty dropping smile, he’s full of charm and personality and doesn’t have a single tattoo, because his fear of needles outweighs his desire to fit in. He is a bigger guy. He doesn’t have the sexy six pack abs or back muscles that ripple when he flexes, but he has the biggest forearm muscles I have ever seen on a man. He has a demanding presence, when he speaks, people listen and when he smiles, he could light up the darkest room. He is day and night mixed together. He is happy and horrifying at the same time. His voice is playful yet demanding, and on any day, at any time he always smells of leather and man. Out of all of the hotties in the Devil’s Renegades, it was Regg who pulled the most pussy, which often ended in me showing my ass whenever we went somewhere. He could charm the panties off a nun and make the Pope sniff them, just for shits and giggles. He is my everything, and even in this moment when I wanted to slap him, I wanted to be beneath him more.

“Whatever. I’m calling Dallas,” I said, walking away from him before I gave in to my stupid vagina and tackled him.

“Yeah, why don’t you do that,” Regg said, watching as I sashayed away. I could almost hear his cock twitch in his pants.