“Let’s go.” Luke’s tone was harsh and his eyes hard.

“I want to see Marty,” I said, cocking out my hip and crossing my arms. Bad move, Dallas. Luke rushed up to me and grabbed me, looking down at me and bringing his face so close to mine that our noses almost touched.

“Now,” He growled as I swallowed hard, nodding my head vigorously at him. Luke was fucking scary. His grip on my arm was a little too tight and by the time we were in the elevator, I was sure there would be bruises.

“Luke, you are hurting me,” I whispered, scared that if I spoke too loud or said the wrong thing that he would lose it. He loosened his grip slightly, but kept a firm hold on my arm as he led me through the hospital and to the garage. Luke opened the passenger door and all but pushed me inside. He slammed it behind me and walked around, climbed into the driver’s side and cranked the truck. Worm and Boss Hog had climbed into the back seat and I had an eerie feeling that something was wrong, and whatever it was-I was the cause of it. Luke turned to me, placing a hand on the back of the seat next to my head. I heard the smooth leather crush under his tight grip as he spoke between his teeth.

“Who the fuck is Jeff?” His question caught me off guard and I looked around the cab at the stone faces of our passengers.

“I will ask you one more time,” Luke said, his jaw clenching and his breathing hard. “Who. The. Fuck. Is. Jeff?”

“An old friend,” I said, just loud enough for him to hear me. What was with the questions? Luke’s fist smashed into the radio and I jumped as the pieces fell to the floorboard.

“Don’t you fucking lie to me, Dallas! Who is he?” Luke yelled, just the power of his voice pushing me back further into my seat.

“He-he is my ex-boyfriend,” I stuttered. Luke should know this. He had been following me for years. How could he not have known and why was it such a problem? My mind was racing, and I was scared out of my mind, but I found the courage to speak, “I broke up with him three months before I met you.” Luke just stared at me, the darkness in his eyes so threatening that I found it hard to breathe.

“How long have you been seeing him, Dallas?” Luke asked, his voice so cold that I shivered.

“I dated him for several months. We met at a convention through a mutual client. It was never anything serious. I didn’t love him or anything, it was just sex.” Fuck me and my big mouth. That was surely not the right thing to say. Luke’s eyes grew bigger and darker, if that were possible, and I knew that I’d pushed my limits.

“Let me tell you something, sweetheart, this guy you were fucking just so happens to be playing on the wrong fucking team. He has been doing dirty work for Frankie, and your little idea that you had earlier has just back fired in my fucking face. Now, I’m dealing with a prick whose cock has been in my girl’s pussy and there ain’t a fucking thing I can do about it. I have a meeting with your Jeff in an hour and I have to sit there and strike a deal with him, just so I can find Frankie.”

The console between Luke and I disappeared as he moved closer to me. My brain was screaming at me to jump out of the truck and run, but my ass was frozen to the seat.

“Do you have any idea how hard it’s gonna be sitting across from that motherfucker, knowing that he has seen you? Tasted you? Fucked you?” Luke’s eyes glided over my body as he spoke. He had made me feel a lot of things since I had been with him, now I could add cheap to that list.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered, tears welling up in my eyes. In no way was I responsible for this. I didn’t even know Luke existed when I knew Jeff, yet somehow this was all my fault. I would have told him anything to get him to give me some space. This was too much. I had been more than understanding. I didn’t deserve to be treated like this. Luke was still too close for comfort and time seemed to drag on. Tears now fell freely down my face as Luke glared at me.

“Brother,” Worm said from the back seat, placing his hand on Luke’s shoulder. “She didn’t know.”

I almost passed out at his words. Luke thought I was playing him. He thought I knew Jeff worked for Frankie. My tears of fear and sadness turned to anger, as it dawned on me that this motherfucker actually thought that I had turned on him.