“What do you mean people are getting the wrong idea?”

“Clubs around here are wondering why the fuck I have outside charters coming to Hattiesburg. They’re afraid we are preparing for a war. We are, just not with them, but you can’t tell them that without someone leaking it to someone who doesn’t need to hear it. Not everyone is staying. Only a few of the guys from Lake Charles are going with us, but everyone is here for the meet. Clubs are getting anxious. When that happens, people do stupid shit.” I was trying to keep up with Luke. His choice of words was confusing, but he didn’t sound like he had a problem at all.

“If you tell the other clubs why they’re here, maybe that will help you find Frankie. I mean, someone has to know where he is. I remember you said that you had some clubs that you didn’t get along with, but y’all kept your distance and just agreed to disagree. Maybe you should reach out to them and just let them know who you are looking for. If they know, they may tell you to get the other guys out of town faster. That’s what I would do. The faster you find Frankie, the faster the other charters can go back to their hometowns and the other clubs can relax knowing that there aren’t fifty Devil’s Renegades roaming the streets.”

Luke looked at me for a long moment, his face void of any emotion. Maybe I had fucked up. Perhaps I should have kept my big fat mouth shut. Wasn’t that what a good ol’ lady did? Speak when you’re spoken to and all that shit?

Luke grabbed his phone off the console and punched in a number, all while keeping one hand on the wheel and his eyes on me. I was afraid to look at anything other than him. For one, I didn’t want to miss the expression that crossed his face, when and if he showed one, and second-if I looked, I would probably do something stupid if we started to veer off the road.

“Tiny, you and Kev put a call out to the surrounding clubs. Let them know why our brothers are in town. See if you can shake an answer from anyone about Frankie’s whereabouts. We got some shit on some of ‘em. Use it.”

Luke ended the call and turned up the radio. Rage Against the Machine was blaring “Bulls on Parade” and the lyrics made me shiver. I was right and Luke didn’t want to admit it. A smile spread over my lips. Maybe I should do this shit in my spare time. I was dreaming of big banners with Dallas Knox-Problem Solver written in red with a large motorcycle as the background, when Luke pulled into the parking garage of the hospital.

“Your idea was a good one. I should have thought of it myself. I’m slipping and I don’t like it.” Luke’s tone was clipped and accusatory. I got the impression that he was blaming me for his slipping.

“You’re not slipping, Luke. You just have a lot on your mind.” My tone was exasperated and slightly bitchy. I wouldn’t call him out on his behavior right now, but it more than pissed me off that he thought I was to blame, even though I probably was.

“Drop it. I need to have a few words with the PROSPECT alone, so when we get in here, stay in the lobby. I’ll let you see him before we leave.” Luke jumped out of the truck before I could say anything and slammed the door. He stared at his phone by the hood of the truck waiting on me.

I was still sitting inside, trying to figure out what I had done to put him in such a shit mood. All I did was suggest something. Was it really that big of a deal? I clambered from the truck, deciding my skinny jeans and pencil thin stilettos were probably not such a good idea. I wanted to look nice, since Luke looked nice, but there was nothing more annoying than the click of heels in a hospital corridor. I had to practically run to keep up with Luke who held my hand like it was his job rather than his desire. By the time we made it to the lobby, I was fuming. His fucking phone got more attention than I did. Not uttering a word to me, or looking at me or doing anything besides texting and staring straight ahead had thoroughly pissed me off. Once we arrived, Luke let go of my hand, then disappeared down the hall to Marty’s room, without a single word.

The cheap, leather furniture in the lobby was that awful mint green color that reminds you of the seventies. I made myself comfortable on the love seat, only to get up and pace the floor again. I was the only soul in the room and my ass had graced every seat in there. It seemed like hours had passed when Luke arrived with Worm, the VP, and another man, that I remembered as Boss Hog, following him.