“I’m gonna make sure my cum is so deep inside you, you will feel it for days. This sweet pussy is mine, Dallas, and while I’m gone I won’t think of anything other than how it feels when my cock is buried inside you.”

My toes curled and my muscles jerked at Luke’s confession. His voice was so smooth and deep and I would have given five orgasms to see his face right now, but I couldn’t move. The feeling was so good, I didn’t want to do anything, but lay here and let him fuck me until I passed out. His voice filled my ears as he moved in and out of me in a rhythm so hard and fast that my whole body moved each time he slammed into me. My fingers worked faster on my sensitive clit while he moved over that perfect spot inside me.

“Come for me, Dallas,” he demanded of me through gritted teeth. He was about to explode, I could feel it. I pushed my body back against him, meeting his thrusts with my own. When his hand left my hip and landed hard on my ass, I lost it. I couldn’t hear his moans over my own, but I could feel him pulsating inside me.

He stayed buried in me a long time after that. His hands trailed up and down my back, my ass and my thighs as he soothed me until my breathing calmed. When he pulled out of me, the emptiness I felt in my gut almost made me cry. How could I be so attached to this man? I was head over heels in love with him and every day I loved him a little more. He pulled my panties back up my legs and lay down beside me. I straightened my legs and groaned at the stiffness in them.

“I love you,” Luke said, taking my face in his hands and showing me the sincerity in his eyes.

“I love you too, baby,” I said, rewarding him with my smile that he loved so much. He tilted my head and covered my lips with his. The kiss started slow and sweet, but after a few seconds, his tongue was buried deep in my mouth, kissing me passionately. He tasted amazing; his sweat and cologne mixing together to form a perfect concoction. The kiss softened and soon his lips were all over my face, caressing my eyes and nose and chin. He took a deep, staggering breath and I tried to read the emotions on his face.

“We need to go, babe. We still have some running to do and I need to get back to the house.” I nodded at him, wishing we could just stay on this chair in his office forever. Remembering where we were, I covered myself as best as I could with my hands and glanced around the room.

“Shit, Luke! What if someone would have come in here?” I said, panicking slightly at the thought of his father catching us in the act.

“Door’s locked, babe,” he said, trying to hide his smile.

“Well, they wouldn’t have had to come inside to hear us!” Now, how fucking embarrassing would that have been?

“You weren’t too worried about it when you were screaming my name,” Luke said, smirking. Asshole. I blushed, remembering how loud and verbal I had been only a short while ago. Changing the subject seemed like a pretty good tactic at this point.

“I don’t have anything to wear,” I said, looking down at my skirt that was now in shreds. I stood up shakily and unbuttoned my skirt, removing it completely from my body. My blouse had been torn too and I removed it as well, leaving me in only my panties and bra. Luke joined me and pulled his pants over his hips, finding my lack of attire quite amusing. He grabbed his shirts from the floor, separating them and handing me his blue button up.

“Here, babe, it will be just like a dress,” he said winking at me and making me smile. I slipped the thick fabric over my head and inhaled. It was like carrying Luke with me in my pocket. He would never get this shirt back, and I would never wash it.

I looked up at Luke to see him watching me with a crooked smile. I was sure I looked a mess. Of course, Luke looked amazing. His white t-shirt fitting his arms tightly and his khaki pants without a wrinkle, despite the fact that they had been around his ankles. I tried to smooth my hair with my hands, but Luke grabbed my arms, pinning them to my sides and kissed my nose.

“You look beautiful.” He held my hand in one of his and my shoes in the other. “You want these?” he asked holding them up.