“Well, good for you,” I said, unsure of the correct way to respond to a comment like that.

“I would like you to meet the newest members of Knox Companies, this is Joanna and Kylie,” Lindsey said, introducing me to the two lovely creatures that stood behind her. They were impeccably dressed, just as Lindsey was, and had long blonde hair that fell down their backs. They looked like they could have been models, or porn stars. Knox Companies most definitely had a good looking crew. Even though they tried to hide it, I noticed that both of their gazes seemed to look past me. I smiled, knowing that the six foot two, amazingly handsome biker boy turned business man standing behind me was the one drawing their attention.

“Ladies, it is so nice to meet you,” I said, stepping past Lindsey and forcing them to look at me as I took each of their hands in mine “Please meet my better half, Luke Carmical.”

I turned to watch Luke saunter towards us, wearing that signature smirk that made my panties wet the first time I saw him. I was sure he was having the same effect on Joanna and Kylie, but my man had eyes for only me. He looked at them long enough not to appear rude, and nodded his head, “Ladies.”

I swear he breathed the word, and when he did, there was no mistaking the sigh they blew out at the sound of his voice. Lindsey, obviously enjoying the show, saved us all from our moment of swooning.

“Dallas, we have a lot to go over.”

“Yes, of course.” I followed Lindsey to my office thinking that maybe I should have had handrails installed to keep me from falling. Luke looked delicious. He smelled delicious, and I was so caught up in the fact that he was mine that I didn’t care if the two hotties in the other room were drooling over him. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and took a seat at my desk. By the paperwork that covered it, I knew Lindsey was going to have some good news.

“Forty-seven properties, Luke!” We were back in the truck and I was still dwelling on the sudden realization that Lindsey Ingram was possibly a better business woman than I was. “She acquired forty-seven properties! All of which already have interests! I can’t believe it!” My voice was a little too high and Luke laughed at my expression.

“She’s good, babe. You should give her a raise.”

“Oh, don’t worry. Nobody in the United States can afford her now.” I didn’t bat an eyelash when I called my lawyer to prepare the documents for a new contract with my Assistant CEO. Not only did I pay her what she was worth, but I doubled it. Lindsey would have no problem buying anything her heart desired. The kicker? She didn’t even want a raise. She just wanted permission to hang some of her paintings at the Abbey, the bed and breakfast that I owned in Tupelo.

“I’m glad she has everything taken care of, babe. I don’t want you worrying about work until we get this shit with Frankie sorted out.” I know he didn’t mean to be, but Luke was definitely a buzz kill.

“I know. When are you leaving?” I asked, my heart already missing him.

“We will talk over the details tonight after church.” Ahh. Church. That lovely place of fellowship during which him and his brothers would be talking about how many different ways that they planned to murder Frankie. I could only imagine what Regg had in mind after what happened to Red.

“We won’t be long here. I just need to wrap a few things up.” I hadn’t noticed that we had pulled into the offices of Carmical Construction. I had never even seen Luke’s office, and the thought bothered me. I was a real estate tycoon, I knew where every piece of property, available or not, was in Hattiesburg.

“I didn’t know this place existed,” I said, admiring the large, white wood framed house with a porch that wrapped all the way around it.

“You wouldn’t, it’s still listed as residential, and it’s not in the best part of town.” This was true. The office was one street over from the Avenues, an older subdivision in the lower part of downtown, but only three houses down from the low-income government housing that had been taken over by crackheads and prostitutes.

We got out and Luke held my hand as he led me up the wide staircase and to the office on the left. A sign hung above the door that read Lucas Carmical, VP Carmical Construction. To the right, was another office with a sign above it that read William Carmical, President Carmical Construction. I looked back at the road that was void of any traffic. The only sign of life was a stray cat that rubbed its slender body against the large tires on Luke’s truck. My first plan of action, once Luke left, was to find him a better location for an office. I had several buildings downtown that would be perfect for him.