“He just don’t want anyone to get the impression that you’re available,” she said, rolling her eyes and placing her hand on her hip. She was dressed much like me and Brooklyn, but the top she wore was bright orange. Her cleavage bulged out of her thin shirt and her tight jeans fit perfectly around her curves. She stood even taller in a pair of thigh high boots that covered her faded jean clad legs. Diamond hoops swung from her ears along with a diamond bracelet, a diamond studded watch and a diamond ring on almost every finger. She caught me looking at her jewelry infested hands.

“Don’t get too excited there, sugar. They’re only CZ’s. I only break the real stuff out on a special occasion.”

“This is a special occasion! I’m here,” Brooklyn chimed in next to her. Luke grabbed my hand and pulled me away, obviously knowing that this conversation could go on for days.

Chapter 5


We walked down the pathway that led to the large clubhouse, and I wanted to jump up and down when I heard all the familiar voices coming from inside the closed doors. As if they were expecting our arrival, the double doors were opened and I was immediately greeted with cigarette smoke, loud music, and two PROSPECTS.

“Welcome home, brother,” the first PROSPECT said to Luke as we entered. I recognized him from the house, but I didn’t know his name. PROSPECT didn’t seem like it was the right way for me to address him, but I was relieved of my worry when Luke introduced us.

“Dallas, this is Tommy. Tommy, this is my girl, Dallas.” My girl. Every time he used that term I got butterflies. My full mega watt smile was still in place, and I placed my hand in his.

“Nice to meet you, ma’am,” he said, his look serious, but his eyes very appreciative. The look didn’t go unnoticed by Luke.

He took a step closer to him, his eyes darkening and his voice stern, “mine.”

Tommy’s face went grave and it was like Luke was sucking the honesty out of him. I would have lied and said I didn’t know what he was getting so worked up about, but Tommy spit the truth without even breaking eye contact.

“Sorry, Pres, but I couldn’t help it. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”

Luke’s face softened a little, and I think he regretted being so hard on him. To smooth things over, he grabbed him on the shoulder and let out a deep breath.

“Yeah, PROSPECT, she is quite breathtaking,” he said, in what I assumed was in an attempt not to seem like such an ass.

“Thank you, Tommy. You are very kind. I appreciate everything you guys have done for me,” I said, my fingers tightening in Luke’s hand. I hoped he would get the “you’re a dick” message I was sending him. Luke smirked and looked at me, not at all affected by my attempt.

“Yes, ma’am. My pleasure.” The appreciative look in his eyes was gone, but I knew his words were genuine.

“Hello, Miss Dallas.”

I turned to see a young guy who couldn’t have been any older that eighteen standing behind me. He stuck his hand out in front of me, forcing me to let go of Luke’s to shake it. Luke let go of my hand and let out and exasperated breath.

“Dallas, meet Kid.” Kid was short and wiry, giving me the impression that he was a little nerdy. I mentally scolded myself for stereotyping him, something I promised myself I wouldn’t do, and flashed him a smile.

“It’s very nice to meet you, Kid.”

“Kid is our little nerd. He helps us out with our computer and security systems. He is a genius and he knows it.”

Kid’s smile widened at Luke’s description of him, not at all offended by Luke’s “nerd” comment. I wanted to fist punch the air, because I had hit the nail on the head with my uncanny ability to profile people, but I thought that might be a little much.

“He is too young to PROSPECT, but we let him hang around here in exchange for his services,” Luke said in a way that let me know he had to explain Kid’s reasoning for being here more than once.

“It helps me out with the guys at school. They are fucking dickheads, but they don’t mess with me anymore, now that they know I’m protected by the club,” Kid said, rocking back and forth on his toes making me dizzy. He must suffer from some kind of ADD.

“Hey!” Luke snapped, causing Kid to stand stock still. His face took on an expression of fear and I wanted to smack Luke for hollering at him.

“Language. What did I tell you about cussing? Especially in front of a lady.”

“Sorry, Luke. I just got excited,” he said, hanging his head in shame. I wanted to hug him, but I refrained. I didn’t need Luke snapping at me too. Luke let out another exasperated sigh. He now seemed aggravated with himself for being too hard on him.