My cell phone rang and I dashed to the bedroom to get it and found the screen flashing “Red Calling.”

“Hello,” I said breathlessly into the phone. Damn, I was out of shape.

“You fucking?” Red asked, and I couldn’t help but smile at her crass statement.

“Red, I’m freaking a little.” What the fuck? Really, Dallas? My diarrhea of the mouth was making me look like a real pansy. Oddly, she knew what I was talking about without me having to tell her.

“Don’t freak. I know what you’re thinking and don’t. Those bitches are actually kinda cool and I promise none of them will fuck with Luke.”

I shook my head at her weird ability to know what I was talking about. “How can I be nice to people like that? I mean, don’t they have any self-worth?” I asked, not sure why I was being such a bitch, but I had to know.

“These girls are here to keep the club happy. Don’t degrade them or put them down in any way just because they don’t live up to your standards,” Red said, clearly pissed off.

“Red I-“

“No, I know what you mean. Some of these girls were not handed a life on a silver platter like you were. They have dads that they’ve never met and moms they visit every other weekend through a glass box, or visit on a street corner. They have found that they can use their bodies to make a life much better than the one they were given, so before you start judging people from your high fucking pedestal, maybe you should take a walk in their shoes.” Red was super pissed. I tried to tell myself that I didn’t really mean it like that, but I did.

I came from a privileged back ground, and often wondered why people were the way they were. My assumptions were that everyone had the same opportunities as I had growing up, but Red had a way of bringing you back down to size.

“And when we get there, these women are going to practically worship you, because to them, you are some-fucking-body. I don’t give a shit if you have a property patch on or not, these women will respect you because you are with LLC. So, when we get there, you better have your shit in check, because if not, I will gladly take an ass chewing from the guys for beating your ass.” I tried to respond in time to tell her I was sorry, but she had already disconnected.

“Shit! Shit, shit, shit, shit!” I shout-whispered. Now, I had Luke scared that I would embarrass him, and Red thinking I was a stuck up bitch. This day was gonna be perfect.

“You ready?” Luke asked from the doorway of my closet. He was dressed in a white t-shirt, torn jeans and the black cap that I was beginning to love.

“What does DFFD stand for?” I asked, signaling to the lettering stitched on the back of his cap.

“Devils Forever, Forever Devils.” Great. I was sleeping with the Devil. “We need to go,” he said, walking up behind me and leaning down to kiss my hair.

“I’m ready.” I grabbed my oversized black coach bag that resembled a purse-if you wanted to hide a small toddler in it.

I wore a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, a black sleeveless shirt that showed a good amount of cleavage when I left the two buttons at the top undone, and a pair of black stiletto boots. I tucked the front of my shirt in my jeans to show off the large, rhinestone buckle on my belt. My hair fell in long waves down my back and over my shoulders. My makeup was dark, my nails deep red, and I loved the bad ass biker chick look my complete outfit gave me.

My bag consisted of an extra change of clothes, just in case we stayed at Luke’s, and all the personal items that I planned to leave at his house. I would be lying if I said it wasn’t to mark my territory. I was trying to be open minded about all of these women I would encounter in the next hour, but that awful bitch that I was trying to bury deep inside was beginning to show her ugly face.

“You look stunning. I have a feeling tonight will end with me in a brawl over some guy looking at you,” Luke said smirking. I gasped at him. The thought of Luke in a fight made my stomach flip. “Kidding, babe. Just kidding.” My humorless laugh let him know that I did not find him very funny, but he still didn’t lose that smirk on his face. I had a feeling that Luke was being smug because he knew he wouldn’t lose if someone wanted to brawl. Oh, how I loved my conceited biker.