Well, shit. I take one step forward and two backwards. I threw myself down on the couch and turned on the T.V.. If it was gonna be like this-Luke bossing me around and getting mad over petty shit-then maybe this wouldn’t work out.

I was still sulking when Luke opened the door and let himself in. I heard him throw his keys on the bar and my heart sped up at the thought of him so close, but I’d be damned before he knew it. He came and sat on the end of the couch, lifting my feet and setting them in his lap. He never looked at me, just watched the T.V. and began rubbing my feet. Damn, that felt good. It was hard to be mad at someone who came home and began massaging your feet.

“I’m sorry.” Shit. Did I just say that?

“Dallas, when I ask you to do something, it’s not because I like telling you what to do or that I like being in control. It’s because, it’s for your protection and safety. It seems you will have to learn the hard way, but you will learn, if you want this to work. The more I think about this, the madder I get. I’m going to bed.”

He got up off the couch, laying my feet gently back down then disappeared to the bedroom. Damn. Now I felt like shit. Why did he not want me outside? Probably because you were tied up in a barn a few days ago and that club still runs the streets and one of his brothers are missing, you idiot. Shit. I turned off the T.V. and with heavy feet, I forced myself into the bedroom.

I seriously needed a shower, but I was sure no hanky panky would be going on tonight anyway, so I laid down on the edge of the bed, testing the waters, still in my bathrobe.

“Are you gonna tell me what happened?” I asked, my back to Luke on the other side of the bed.

“Nope. I can’t trust you to do what I ask, so how do you expect me to trust you with that?” Fuck. Good point.

“Maybe if you would have told me what was going on, I wouldn’t have went outside,” I said, trying to defend myself. Wrong thing to do.

“Don’t you turn this shit around on me, Dallas. You do what you are told, when you are told. Nothing more and nothing less. I don’t have to tell you a fucking thing. You remember that. I am here because I love you and I care about you. Not because you’ve begged me or even asked me. I said I didn’t want to talk about it and I don’t.” Luke was getting madder by the minute, but I couldn’t keep my big fat mouth shut.

“Well, maybe I do want to talk about it,” I said, in a barely audible bitchy tone. The kind you use when you want to have the last word, but are scared of the results.

“Enough!” Luke yelled, causing me to jump.

Okay, okay. Shit. He could have the last word. Even I knew when to shut-up. No, I didn’t. I was a complete and utter idiot. You know when you can’t say anything so you just huff a lot? Loudly? Yeah, Luke didn’t like that either.

“Dallas, it would seriously be in your best interest to stop being a bitch and just go to sleep and let me calm down.”

“Excuse me?” I said, turning to look at him in the darkness. He was lying on his back with one arm over his eyes. I could see his chest rising and falling and I knew he was trying to control his temper. Well, fuck that. I knew I was a bitch, but he didn’t have to call me out on it. I propped up on one elbow and pointed my finger at him, “Don’t you ever talk…”

Luke moved like a Ninja. Before I could fully register what happened, he jumped off the bed and jerked me to him, gripping my arms tightly and bringing his face frighteningly close to mine. His eyes were cold and his voice came out as a low growl, “Do you think I enjoy this shit? I went out of my fucking mind when you didn’t answer me. I didn’t know what happened to you. He’s gone, Dallas. Frankie is gone. Some of his guys hit the club house and took him. You know how they got him? They held Red hostage.”

I felt my knees go weak. Not Red. God, please let her be okay.

“They grabbed her from a convenience store and threw her in the trunk of a car. Then they threatened to cut her heart out if we didn’t let him go. Now that motherfucker is walking the streets, one brother is in the hospital, one is missing and one is on lock down to keep him from killing someone. I have all that shit, plus two kidnappings under my belt, in less than a week, and you want to fuck with my patience? This is not your world, it’s mine. If you want to be a part of it, then you keep your mouth closed and do as I say, because I swear to God, Dallas, if you throw that attitude in my face one more time, I’m walking and you will never see me again.”