“Luke had Marty and War follow you. They ran Marty off the road. Fucked him up pretty bad. He is at Forrest General now. War is still missing.” My heart seemed to take a nose dive.

“Missing?” I couldn’t believe this. Someone was hurt and someone else was missing all because of me.

“Yeah. Luke is trying to get answers from Frankie but he ain’t talking.” I couldn’t help it. The tears started flowing down my face. What had I done? “Hey,” Red said coming to sit next to me and putting her arm around my shoulders. “This is not your fault. This is what they do. They were hired to do this. I don’t want you to hold this against Luke, but this is what they are getting paid for. If you want to make it up to them, then show them you are worthy.” My head that I had been holding in my hands snapped up at her response.

“What do you mean show them I am worthy?” What the fuck was she getting at?

“Prove to them that you are more to this club than just a job. I know you want to be mad at Luke. I know you are pissed because he didn’t tell you what was going on, but it was for your own good. Luke needs you right now and I know that sounds selfish on his part, but that’s what we do as ol’ ladies. We take care of our family. If you can show them that you can make the cut then they will avenge the death of your parents, they will make sure Frankie gets exactly what he deserves and will be proud to do it. Right now, it’s a job. Make it personal.”

I looked at Red, finally realizing what her meaning was. Luke was their President. If I played the role as his ol’ lady, then I became part of the family. And they protected their family. I didn’t want to be submissive to Luke. I wanted him to suffer without me. I wanted him to feel betrayed, the way I felt betrayed, but I wanted Frankie to suffer more than I wanted Luke to suffer. I wanted to do it for me, but most of all I wanted to do it for War and for Marty.

“Dallas, I know about you being poisoned.” I stared at Red in shock. How did she know that? “Dr. Yarborough frequents the night club that I used to work at. I have a lot of connections. I knew there was more to your story than what was being told. I also overheard you asking Luke if it was Stacy who got that land, if something happened to you. I know you want revenge, but you can’t do it alone. Be a good ol’ lady. Make the cut and I promise everyone who has ever wronged you will pay.” I shook my head in disbelief. This bitch was good.

“Did you tell Luke?” I asked, panicking.

“No, Dallas. Do you think I’m stupid or something? Luke would flip! Your secrets are safe with me,” she said with a wink.

But, I knew there was a catch, “Why are you doing this for me?”

Her answer was simple,“I’m not. I’m doing it for Luke.”

I nodded my head in understanding, but she continued, “You love Luke. Luke loves you. You are stubborn and bull-headed and you are gonna tell yourself that you can fake your way through this just to get revenge. You can tell yourself whatever you want, but I know that you are going to fall for Luke harder than ever and when you do, you won’t be able to let him go.”

My eyes had dried and my heart was guarded. I straightened my back and looked at Red directly in her eyes. “I will do this for my parents, myself, and for Marty and War, but when I am finished, I will let him go.”

Red stood; grabbing her clothes off the chaise lounge, then turned to me and patted my shoulder, “Sure you will.” And with that, she was gone.

After Red left, I must have dozed off in the chair, because when I woke, I was covered in sweat, slightly burnt and had a major headache. I went inside and saw that it was after three o’clock. Damn. I grabbed some headache meds, a bottle of water and decided that I better call Lindsey to check in at the office. Of course, she wanted to come over and fill me in because everything she had to tell me was “too good to say over the phone.” I told her I was not up for company, but maybe later in the week. That wasn’t a complete lie. I wasn’t up for company, unless it was Luke. I didn’t want to admit it, but I missed him. Could I really guard my heart and pretend to be in love with him? Well, hell no. I couldn’t pretend because I was in love with him. “FUCK!” I screamed at the ceiling. I was lying on my back in the bed and all I could think about was myself, and my love life. Marty was in the hospital and War was missing for crying out loud! I jumped off the bed and headed to the shower. I had someone to visit.