Now it was my turn to sit up and gulp down my drink. This was where I would find out the things I feared. I held my hand up and ran inside, fixing Red and I another drink and returned in record time. “Continue,” I told Red, putting my elbows on my knees just as she had done and giving her my full attention. She smiled.

“This shit is good, ain’t it? It’s like a fucking soap-opera!”


“Okay, okay, I’m going. So anyways, your father had a lot of property in Hattiesburg. He also did a lot of business with William. He-”

“Wait, wait, wait, my dad knew Luke’s dad?” I interrupted.

“Hey, what did I say about interrupting? Yes, they knew each other, now would you shut the hell up and let me finish?”

I gave her a nod and she started in again, “Now, where was I? Oh, okay, he needed William because at the time, William was the best in the timber business and as you know, there was not an acre around that wasn’t covered in pines. William is still the best around, in my opinion, but that’s irrelevant. Anyway, your dad, I’m gonna call him Herman, cause that’s his name and I hate saying “your dad”, didn’t want the pipeline coming through the city. The reason why was because he owned all the land and he knew that he could make twice as much if he cut the timber, then sold the land. So, Herman being the genius that he was, by the way, not everyone would say that, but that dude was fucking smart, had some signs made that said, “William Carmical for Mayor.” Now, Paul is a very intelligent man, but at the time instead of investigating what was going on, he simply saw red and went ape shit. Of course, he knew your father too, not personally or anything, but just through his real estate. He finds out through hearsay that Herman is backing William and he gives him a call. Herman tells Paul to keep an eye on you and make sure you are safe and he will give him all the land on ninety-eight and William will lose his sponsorship for Mayor. Paul agreed. Paul hated the club, but hands down, they were the best security force in the state. He had no problems with Luke and he knew Luke had just been named Sergeant at Arms, and was the biggest badass around. He also knew, Luke was trying to prove himself to the club. So, he paid him to watch over and protect you. Luke had no choice but to take the job because Paul threatened to take down the club if he didn’t, and the club really needed the money. So, the club voted and Luke became your protector. He finally met you, fell in love, and the rest is history. I need a drink.” With that, Red took our glasses and went inside, leaving me to process everything she said. I seriously hoped this next drink was a double.

“Red, when you get finished I would like to ask a few questions.” I said, sitting up straighter in the chair. I had had enough time to re-cap all the events and now I had a few things I needed to clarify.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m coming,” Red said, climbing out of the pool. She stumbled up the steps and flopped down in the lounge chair next to me.

“Do you think Luke loves me?” I blurted out. Whoa. That was not what I was expecting to come out of my mouth. Damn vodka. Red’s answer was immediate.

“Absolutely. I have never seen him as happy as he is when he is with you.”

I thought about this. Red was telling the truth. I really didn’t have to ask. I knew Luke loved me. Did I think he was an ass for lying to me all this time? Of course. But, I never doubted his love for me. How could I after everything he had done? But I didn’t need him in my life. I was getting along fine without him. Just like in my favorite Merle Haggard song, he would be my favorite memory of all, but that was all he would ever be to me.

“Where is Frankie now?” I asked her.

“Don’t know. Not my place to know, but I do know that he can’t get to you and if he could, he couldn’t hurt you.”

“What does that mean?” I asked confused.

“They cut off his hands,” she replied matter-of-fact. My blood ran cold and I thought I would vomit. “Just kidding. Sounded good though, didn’t it?” Red asked laughing.

“You are fucking sick,” I replied, but I couldn’t help but smile.

“I’ve been called worse,” she said with a shrug.

“How did they know he was here?” I asked, all the questions that were unanswered were starting to surface again. Red’s face paled when I asked this.