The door opens again, and Rasmussen enters. I’m shocked to see Kynan McGrath follow him in. I knew he stayed in DC for further debriefing, but it was never done with me, so I assumed he’d gone back to Pittsburgh.

I’m not sure what excuse Gayla was given for this meeting, but Rasmussen introduces them.

“Gayla, this is Kynan McGrath, owner of Jameson Force Security. I believe you’re familiar with his company. They went down to extract one of your agents from El Salvador a few weeks ago.”

I guarantee Gayla already knows who Kynan is because she knows everything. Given that she was involved in the handoff of my extraction to Jameson once I’d been disavowed, at a minimum, she would’ve known what he looks like just by the dossier she would’ve been given on his company.

Gayla leans forward, shakes Kynan’s hand. “Yes, of course. It’s a pleasure to meet you and have the opportunity to thank you for handling our agent’s blunders. It’s a true service to your country that your people put their lives on the line to help one of ours, even if her own actions left her in peril.”

My chest burns as she throws me under the bus, but I’m not surprised. She’s an incredibly smug and self-centered woman.

Kynan smiles tightly as he breaks the handshake. “Yes. I sent one of my best… Ladd McDermott.”

Gayla plasters on a fake smile at the mention of Ladd’s name… the same man she helped Mejia attempt to kill. “Well, please extend my sincere gratitude to him when you see him.”

“I will,” Kynan says easily, his smile coming off as genuine, but I hear the disdain in his voice. “He’s currently at home taking a few days off after a very dangerous mission.”

This perks Newman’s attention because she most assuredly has no clue what went down two days ago. All she knows is that Mejia instructed Vecindario 18 to take both me and Ladd out, but she has no clue if we’re still alive.

“I hope Mr. McDermott is okay,” Newman says solicitously, her eyes cutting briefly to the director who has been standing there with his hands folded before him, listening to the exchange.

“Mr. McDermott’s fine,” Kynan assures Newman. “In fact, I’m sure you’d like to know how Greer Hathaway is doing as well, since you asked about Ladd.”

A tiny moment of panic flickers in Newman’s eyes—she’s beginning to understand she’s not in control of this conversation. Her expression smooths quickly, though, and her tone is light and airy. “Agent Hathaway?” she inquires with mock confusion. “She’s been disavowed. I mean, I wish her well, but why would I want to know how she’s doing?”

“Surely you want to know whether she’s dead,” Kynan prods. “I know it’s of great interest to you.”

“Excuse me?” Newman says in outrage and then looks to Rasmussen. “What is going on here?”

“What’s going on,” Rasmussen drawls, “is that Mr. McGrath’s team went down to El Salvador to put a stop to the hit that was ordered on both Mr. McDermott and Ms. Hathaway by Hugo Mejia. They managed to capture Hugo Mejia, and Vecindario 18 has been ordered to stand down. Mejia is currently in US custody.”

The video quality is quite excellent, and I can see Gayla turn slightly green. Still, she tries to act stupid. “That’s wonderful news, but I still don’t see what it has to do with me.”

“Gayla,” Rasmussen says, his voice laced with disappointment. “You had such great potential for this agency. I truly thought your service was making our world a better place. You not only accepted bribe money from Mejia to give him a wide berth in Central America, but you used him to carry out a personal vendetta against Ms. Hathaway. You are complicit in his attempts to murder her, and as such, you will be held accountable.”

I’m sure this was well orchestrated on Rasmussen’s part, but as soon as he says “you will be held accountable,” the door swings open and two US marshals walk in.

“What is going on?” Gayla Newman demands in a high-pitched shriek. She attempts to sidestep the marshals, but they move in fast and without mercy, cuffing her while she cries out her denials.

She’s still proclaiming her ignorance regarding Mejia’s actions and her innocence as to all else as they drag her out of the office.

I hadn’t realized I’d been holding my breath, but once she’s gone, it comes out in a long rush of relief.

The door to the conference room opens and I jolt, turning to see Kynan walk in. The aide nods at him and exits.

“I didn’t realize you’d be here for this,” I say, standing from the chair.

“I hope you found that as satisfying as I did,” he quips with a smile.

“I’m glad it’s over.” I don’t have it in me to be satisfied right now.